Thursday, March 25, 2010

bumper cars.

on top of my foot injury 
(that is mucho better now, thanks for asking - i'm back in action :)) 
this week has been a doozy!

i didn't even like bumper cars as a kid -
 i surely don't like them as a "grown up."

yesterday on my way to work, i had an encounter........ my little honda accord was encountered in her rear end by a Ford F-250.
some dude smoked me on the interstate on my way to work. i was minding my own little biznazz, sipping on my coffee, and i was rudely interrupted.

 here's the scoop.... 
all the traffic in front of me slammed on their breaks, thus - i slammed on mines and that guy behind me didn't ... quick enough. i was holding my coffee cup between me and my steering wheel. when he hit me - my glasses slung into the console, my cup jammed into my steering wheel and into my lip - i busted my freggin' lip on my coffee cup. not only did i bust my lip on my coffee cup - COFFEE WAS EVERYWHERE. like - all over the windshield, console, my pants, my hair, the tire - well, not really the tires, but everywhere. 

the man came to my car window and i was bleeding profusely and drenched in coffee and couldn't see - hot mess! 

thankfully - my little lip bump was the worst injury of the accident. 
in fact, my car looks better than my lip. 

the guy that hit me was nice - except that he hit me - and super nervous. me - being the ray of sunshine that i am - said, 
"ugh. at least no one was hurt. we should be thankful for that." 
as my mouth is oozing blood. 
to which he replied, "but, i sure could have done without this today." 
well, noshitsherlock, me too.
 have you seen my FACE??? 

I-24 between murfreesboro, tn and nashville, tn is the worst interstate in the union. not surface-wise... it's nicely paved. the traffic is HORRIBLE. i'm pretty sure everyone that works in nashville, lives in murfreesboro. either way - my little encounter caused a ruckus and backed up traffic for days. 
and, i was famous! 
my accident made the morning traffic report. whoop!
 busted lip and famous. 
what i always dreamed of. 

so yea - it's been a pretty interesting week between freakin' out about my foot and playing bumper cars in annie on the interstate. 

the week is rounding off quite nicely though - wolf pack kickball started back up for the spring last night! we WON OUR FIRST GAME!! holla! it's amazing how professional you feel when you go from the competitive league to the recreational league - we might actually win a few! ha! 

and, my papa and step monster
 (this is just a joke - she's great and we call her this to her face so no one go getting your panties in a wad) are coming to visit today! yay!

after the start to the week, there's no where to go but up!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I don't appreciate that guy hitting you for numerous reasons, but one of them is that now I know why I was late for work yesterday!