Tuesday, March 23, 2010


this past saturday was a drop week - we "only" ran 6 miles. easy peasy. 

it was actually a great run. jess and i have set a small time goal for the upcoming country music 1/2. it's not an unattainable goal; just one where we need to ramp up our speed the next month in order to obtain it. this past saturday was our first test run and we killed it.... and our legs and lungs. d'oh. 

but, we felt good about it. 

i felt good. successful. accomplished. eager for the next run. 

until saturday night. after my run on saturday morning, i threw on my montrail flops - like i do most often when i'm lounging about. i have a SUPER high arch. i call these my "orthopedic" shoes. they're amazing. they're made by the same company that make the inserts i use in my running shoes. i should probably have inserts in all of my shoes.
montrail, you can send my commission check to the woodhood. thanks. 

anywho. i wore these puppies all day on saturday and then threw on the go-to ballet flats when i went out for a bit that evening. FAIL. as soon as i started walking in my flats, my foot started hurting. i didn't think much about it that night - maybe my little feet were just tired - it had been a long day and a hard run that morning. 

i didn't think much about it.... until i could barely put my foot on the ground sunday morning. ohhhhhhhhh nooooo. 

i refuse to get "injured." nope - not at this point in the game. 

it's been sore and hurting and the only thing that relieves the
 ache is my beloved "orthopedic" flops. 

today is my 3rd day of pain and 3rd day of rockin' these stylin' flops. 
i love them, but they don't quite go with my work britches. 

my boss kind of turned his head sideways giving me the "what are you wearing on your feet" look and i said - nope. don't look at me like that. i'm injured and i don't want to talk about it.

i opted out of running and went to spin yesterday to a) give my foot a rest from the banging that we give the pavement and b) i knew today's weather would be amazing. ha!

i'm heading to the brilliant god's at fleet feet on my lunch break to get their opinion. you know, because i've already been on google and webMD and have diagnosed myself with the worst case of plantar fasciitis and will probably be sidelined from running for the rest of my life. THE SKY IS FALLING! THE SKY IS FALLING! just call me henny penny. 

my rockin' runner friend, jenn, is recovering from a pesky foot injury too.
 she is back in action - i'm channeling her healed energy!

so - send good foot vibes my way! hopefully i just need some new Montrail inserts 
(and more sexy flops) 
and i'll be back and better than ever!
 (i better be.....)

stay tuned.............. 

1 comment:

Jenn Wade said...

Girlfriend!! I had no idea you were nursing your own little foot injury! Ugh. Dang, who knew running was such a "pain." Let me know what the Fleet Feeters say. But if all else fails, you need to go see Perry who is AMAZING.

Oh, and I'm glad to know you and Doss hava a time goal for the race...cause ya'll sure were busting tail on Saturday and I was starting to think my Garmin was broken as I watched you disappear into the distance. :)