Wednesday, April 15, 2009

taxes schmaxes

grown-up: adjective

1. having reached the age of maturity.


who really decides what makes you "grown up"?

ok, i'm less than interested in politics and taxes and the like.... but today, tax day-April 15th - i'm feeling the pressure of being this thing they call a "grown up."

until now - i hesitantly filed my little taxes, single, whatever. got some extra change direct deposited in the old yo-yo bank account and spent it as i wanted.

however, being a "grown up" has forced me to venture into uncharted territories this year. who knew with this shiny bling on my left hand would come with such "grown up" responsibilities? haha i think justin had a clue and bless his heart, he's done all he can to spoil me and keep me from freaking out from all the pressures that come with being an adult. i'm in denial.

nevertheless, this year - i voted for the first time in a presidential election and quickly realized that the man who would be chosen would have a direct impact on this little newby into the working world. i have had to worry about checking the MARRIED box, how many to "claim" and seeing how much i was not getting for my hard working hours, finding "deductions" so we don't have to pay in to the IRS, stroking on how much money justin and i have already paid to the stinking let's-bail-all-these-people-out government prior to tax day, buying a house for a tax write off and being 4 months shy of Obama's new "new home owners" blaz-a, blaz-a, actually paying for someone to do our taxes other than the ever faithful TurboTax, the list goes on.

can you tell how much i enjoy the fact that today is tax day and i actually am feeling "grown up?"

i mean, i understand that i'm 26 and life naturally progresses and i have to grasp that i have real responsibilities. but, but, i don't wanna.....

i hope all of you lovely readers out there have gotten a good laugh of my little tantrum and made it out of tax day without too much of a hurtin' on your pocket book or heck - even a little deposit into the old bank account. how niiiiiice.

now, i'm planning to have ice cream and cake for dinner. why? because i can. because i'm "grown up" and can do what i want. :)

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