Tuesday, March 31, 2009

smore family time, please.

Justin, Meggan, & and I had some very special visitors come to the Music City! My Dad, Stepmom Stacy, and Stepbro Dylan graced us with their presence this past weekend. They made it to the big city on Thursday night and the weather was beautiful - we had happy hour and dinner on the porch at Tin Roof. Friday - we had some quality family time grilling and hanging out at the house. Saturday was a day full of playing tourist. Meggan was able to get us tickets to the Country Music Hall of Fame - the weather was projected to get pretty bad so we opted for indoor activities. Although I've lived in Nashville for 4 years now, I had yet to venture into this little piece of country music history. We actually really enjoyed it! After playing tourist there, Justin played good son-in-law and took Dad and Dylan to their own personal heaven - Bass Pro Shop! Megs, Stacy, and I opted out of that trip and hit up a few stores at Providence. The weather did get pretty sketchy by the end of the day with tornado sirens ringing in the distance, some hail, and wind but that didn't stop us. On our way home before the storm, we saw the most vivid and beautiful rainbow I have ever seen in my life. God can be pretty artsy when He wants to. Due to the storm, we had a wonderful evening indoors playing cards, having cocktails, and making smores! Since the weather was frightful, we made the smores inside - in the microwave - at about midnight. The pictures are embarrassing but hilarious.
We had a wonderful weekend with the family. I really wished we lived closer so we could hang out more often, but I guess that's what makes these little weekend visits all the more special.

I love you, Dumas Family.

Yay for tri-pod photography!

Our Step-Monster :) (not really)

Dad and his "boys"

I couldn't do it without you. love you, Sister.

The siblings - Meggan is claiming to have the "middle child" syndrome these days. I'm not buying it.

After many fights and growls, Lily and Dylan made friends.

Dad was giving Justin gravy-makin' lessons. MMmm

Playing tourist at the Country Music Hall of Fame

"Jussssstin, I want some sssssmores!"

I enjoyed mine a little too much....

Standing, making a mess, and eating became too much of a chore - floor it is.

Fat kid got dessert on her running running shirt... haha

MMmm good til the last drop!

Dad enjoyed his as much as me!

Stacy was entertained!

Sometimes you have to deal with the rain to get beautiful scenes like this....

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