Tuesday, April 6, 2010

happy heart.

this past Easter weekend was one of the best weekends i've had in a long, long time. jwood & i have been so caught up in everyday life, worrying about sick family (which, thank God, are all doing well), and hosting visitors that we haven't really had any "us" time. this weekend was full of "us" time. we put all of the other stuff on the back burner and just enjoyed each other and reflected on what really matters. though it was an amazingness weekend; it was BUSY!

saturday morning's run welcomed me with open arms of humongous rain drops. the group 12 miler was cancelled because the staff had seen some lightening on the course and didn't want to get sued and was worried about our safety. jess and i were totally bummed about the cancellation because we'd eaten too much the day before and needed to burn the calories we are that dedicated.jess had already pointed penny pilot in the direction of the YMCA and was going to do her 10 on the DREADmill. have fun, sister. i'd chance my life in a hail storm before giving 10 a-go at the Y. i sent her a message and said, "it's not raining that much at my house - i think i'm going to try to get some miles done in my neighborhood." she vetoed the gym and joined me on what would turn out to be the soggiest and most hilarious run we've tackled. it started out fine.... a nice little drizzle and we even said, "oh, this is totally doable. i mean, i'd prefer this over heat...." and then, the BOTTOM FELL OUT. i'm talkin' - downpour. all we could do is laugh and drag our soaking wet bodies up and down the street. we managed to successfully log 8 miles, just the two of us, in the pouring down rain. we have now conquered snow, wind, heat, and RAIN in our training. done and done.

jwood thought we were completely nuts but snapped a pic of us when we finished,
 and after he told us that we stunk. 
words of adoration :) haha

after a nice, long warm shower - i looked out the window and the frazzlin' sun was shining! impeccable timing.

i was super happy to see the sun because jwood and i had planned a fun filled day at the Jack Daniel's Distillery! the Distillery, that still makes every single bottle of Jack Daniels, is just a short hour drive away.

gorgeous rural Tennessee skies at the JDD. 

the grounds were so pretty!!

jwood is taking an online Tennessee History class and one of the bonus point assignments is to visit an historical place. the JDD was on the list and an capitalized on my opportunity. i've been wanting to go since i moved to Nashville! jwood obliged and we had a blast!
 if you're in the area, it's totally worth the trip.
 it's beautiful drive down through rural Tennessee and tour was a blast.

Mr. Jack himself

amazing to think that all of the Jack Daniels in the world started out from this cave spring.

we, of course, had to buy a commemorative bottle - though neither of us drinks Jack Daniels.

sunday morning, jwood and i attended the sunrise Easter service at Brentwood Baptist. the service was great, as always, and we both left with a song and a little cheer in our hearts. 
we hosted brunch at our house with the neighbors, P & B. 
we took total advantage of the beautiful weather and brunched outside on our patio. ahhhhh!

the Easter bunny visited our house! he knew exactly what i wanted - 
ferns, watering can, lilies, round-up, and M&Ms.

Lily loved Easter Sunday as much as we did. we came home and she was playing with this little chicken and wearing her Sunday pearls :)

jwood and i spent the afternoon not resting on the Sabbath.
 we worked. but, it was so worth it. we are so proud of our little abode!
spring has sprung at the woodhood. 


Jenn Wade said...

So proud of you running girls! And I like that J Doss chose her white shorts when it was pouring outside. She would... ;)

Melanie said...

So fun! I think going to JDD would be a fun date... I might have to try to plan it sometime soon!

The Doss Blog said...

Hahaha - oh Jenn...you know me too well ;) Def not the best choice - my sexy built-in underwear was on display!