Monday, April 12, 2010

what chu got in that bag....

no, i'm not doing the post of 
letsdumpeverythingoutofyourbagandseewhat'sinit post. 

because, frankly, my purse innerds are pretty boring. 

my bag post is far more exciting to me than the lip and face grease that's in my purse right now. thanks, accutane. 

moving on.

yesterday, jwood and i went on our favorite date. 
AN REI DATE. whoop! 
we freggin' love that place. 

i drolled over some bikes for a while. i'm toying with the idea of getting into some bike riding, but little did i know, those bikes are worth more than my life.
 anyone have any suggestions on how to score a tri-bike for free cheap??

anyway - after feeling really sad that i couldn't ride home on a new bike, we wandered over to the sleeping bags. jwood and i have been looking and talking about getting me a new sleeping bag for - oh, 2 years now. 
but, i've never really found one i completely love or really wanted to shell out the dough for one. i have a lovely sleeping bag, it's just not warm enough.
 i freeze at night when we camp, so i knew i needed a beefy one. 

we got a nice little chunk of change back from our dividend and 
they offered 20% off on one full priced item. 

after laying (lieing?) in all of the bags on the floor - 
gotta love REI and their try-it-out-before-you-buy-it method - 
i settled on this NorthFace Snowshoe 0 degree bag

thanks to the dividend and discount - i got this puppy for $50. holla!

i can't WAIT to use it. 

if i'm missing for a few days - look for a green mummy hopping around. 


11 days and a wake up until COUNTRY MUSIC 1/2! 

1 comment:

lindsay anne said...

I've got the equinox. It's a 35 degree bag, so when it's chilly out I sleep with my Dad's poncho liner, army issued, served 3 tours in ''s awesome and I think turns my 35 degree bag into a 15-20 degree bag.

Ted's got that same bag you just bought. He's using in Wyoming right now and loves it! Enjoy it!