Thursday, April 1, 2010

think thin

as in, thin mints. 

i gave up my "sweet treats" for Lent. lemme tell you, it's been more difficult than i thought it would be. but, i have prevailed and stuck to my choice. 

girls scout cookies have been living in my pantry and freezer since about day #3 of Lent and have been calling my name. especially the thin mints. dude. thin mints are the 

i found this today and thought it was pretty much the best thing ever. 

10 Reasons Thin Mint Cookies Are Clearly The 
Best Girl Scout Cookies

Umm, because it’s obvious? Fine, you want reasons? Here are some reasons.

1) Thin Mints are better choice than shortbread cookies (or Trefoils). Sure, shortbread cookies are nice-ish. But you have to think about the kinds of cookies you’ll be able to get throughout the year easily.  Will you always be able to get shortbread? Yes. Will it be pretty much forced upon you without you even wanting it during the Christmas/New Years season? Yes. Not the case with Thin Mints.

2) Thin Mints are a better choice than chocolate chip cookies. Come on. Look, same point as shortbread, except that you’re an idiot. The Girl Scout brand doesn’t even have really good chocolate chip cookies. You can get a better chocolate chip cookie at any bakery you go to, ever. You can get better chocolate chip cookies at Subway.

3) Thin Mints are a better choice than Thank You Berry Much Cookies. Did someone seriously say “let’s make chocolate chip cookies but instead of chocolate chips lets just put in some cranberries?” Stop. Just stop. Not cool.

4) Thin Mints are a better choice than whatever these Daisy-Go-Round cookies are. Does anyone even buy these? I don’t think anyone does. I don’t even need to make a case here, because we can all just roll our eyes at these reduced fat cinammon covered little rounds together. Girl scout cookie time is clearly not the time to go for reduced calorie anything.

5) Thin Mints are a better choice than Dulce de Leche cookies. I guess they’re nice. I mean, I’d eat them at a party. But dry crusty bits of caramel? That you pay money for? Eh.

6) Thin Mints are a better choice than Lemon Chalet Cremes: I see we are entering the territory of cookies it’s harder to make a case against. I mean, Lemon Chalet Cremes, they’re complex. They’re kind of fun to eat. EXCEPT THEY COULD BE FULL OF STINK! And thereby recalled. Do you want to take that chance?

7) Thin Mints are a better choice than Do-Si-Dos. Ah, the peanut butter sandwich. Yes, it is a delicious flavor combination. But could you do as well with a whoopi pie? Yes? Or those peanut butter crackers they sell in vending machines? You could come close. Throughout the year, if nothing else you could get two cookies and spread some peanut butter in between them which is something we’ll be doing all the time now.

8) Thin Mints are a better choice than Samoas. One word: coconut. Now, it’s difficult to make a case against these, for, if you are a coconut lover, you will surely love them. But coconuts are one of those foods that people either love or hate. There’s really no middle ground. Lets say that you, a coconut lover buy yourself a box of Samoas and are happily gnawing away at your desk, coconut fibers lodged in your throat like cat hair. And then your boss comes by. And he says “cookies, can I have one?” And you say “sure!” And then he eats one expecting it to be not made entirely out of the grotesque fibers of the coconut, and he makes a look, and you’ll never get a promotion now, never, never. Ditto, giving them to anyone who could ever love you (unless, by some ridiculous, improbable stroke of luck, they are also a coconut lover).

9) Thin Mints are a better choice than Tagalongs: I love tagalongs, personally. They share many of the positive attributes of the thin mint, such as being covered entirely in chocolate. But the peanut butter makes them seem heavier, so after eating a few (a box) you feel awful, whereas after eating some Thin Mints you can feel great, and not ridiculously bloated.

10) Thin Mints Are Great in Their Own Right: Because peppermint and chocolate are a practically perfect combination. And good luck finding anything comprable at any other time of the year.


The Doss Blog said...

I can not even agree with this post at all!!


Kels said...

i have to agree with Jess... Tagalongs > Thin mints.

Not that I have had any the past two years.

Be strong!