can't beat a good nite out in nashville!
since the UT game was pay-per-view on saturday, we opted to watch it at buffalo wild wings with some friends. gotta love all of the orange!! thankfully, the Vols pulled one out - successful saturday at Neyland.
greggers, kelly, and kbb - we've gotta get kels some UT orange :)
and, we've gotta get these "lenderman" girls a tan. sheesh! haha
there's so much to love about this picture!
i didn't get to do my long run as planned on saturday, 1) because we stayed up entirely too late past our bedtime on friday night and 2) because it was storming like crazy when i woke up at 5:30am. no, sir. i went right back to sleep and said - the run can wait. i'll savor the rainy saturday morning in bed, kthanks.
i got an email from the organizer of the fleet feet training that said some people actually showed up, signed waivers, and ran in the storm. i'm ok with running in the rain - storms? no thanks. call me a fair weather runner - i don't care.
the weather was actually perfect for me and for my run on sunday. i was very glad i didn't try to "weather the storm" on saturday and waited until sunday. i love my sunday solo runs. it's my meditation and my good quality attitude check time. sunday was just that. another "long run" checked off the 1/2 marathon training list and another good internal reflection time. after those runs, i feel like i can do anything.
speaking of running - last night was tin roof 2 running crew!!! i cannot even put into words h0w great of a night it was. it was the perfect fall evening for an outdoor run - it was almost chilly when we started the run and by the time we settled in after, we were in sweatshirts. ahhhh - i love it! jdoss and i had another successful evening at tin roof with a nice little funday monday and visit - we're old timers now...... even though, no one knows our names and we sit by ourselves. ha!
that brings us to today.
today is a good day. it's fall outside. there's not a cloud in the sky. it's crisp and wonderful. j finished up his last night shift. {heck yea!!} 3 weeks into 1/2 marathon training and i'm still alive. my dog still thinks i'm cool. i'm in a better mood {and the crowd says, "heck yea!"}. 17 days until fall break get-away {but who is counting??} pumpkin spice lattes are still calling my name. all is well in woodland.
this little lady shant complain.
happy tuesday, folks.
We love supporting the local establishments too - There is a little place in Madison called Woody's steakhouse that has a piano bar and delicious prime rib!
thanks! we'll have to try it out! do they have t-shirts? woody is my husband's nickname! haha
not sure - but that would be funny!
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