Friday, July 17, 2009


what a week!

after a random trip to the beach - which i have yet to blog about i just remembered - and a fun night out for meg's birthday, this week has been a bit tiring.

but, friday is here again and i'm so looking forward to what the weekend has in store.

my mom, who will be mrs. langford next week (!), is coming up today and she, meg, and myself are heading to east to the hills of TN! every year, we got to the mountains for the weekend around meggo's birthday for some R&R and family time.

after the hectic week at the wood house, i'm ready for the serenity and downtime in my little haven. i actually read Nature by ralph waldo emerson this week. in his work he says that in the woods - "there is perpetual youth." this weekend - i'm seeking that youth, because i'm feeling my age.

so, this weekend - it's R&R time for mpants with my two favorite ladies.


1 comment:

lindsay anne said...

"Now I see the secret of the making of the best persons. It is to grow in the open air and to eat and sleep with the earth."-walt whitman