i have the best sister in the world. hands down. there's no question in my mind. she's my best friend. i cannot imagine life without her and am so glad we live mere minutes from each other. she's the most honest, genuine, smart, caring lady - i'm so proud to call her my sister! today, we honor another year of your life, megs. happy birthday and i can't wait to celebrate many, many more.
last night, i attempted and succeeded (for the most part) a surprise birthday dinner for megs. birthdays have always been a big deal in our family - it's your day. no one else's. all yours. meggan had been feeling pretty sorry for herself because she had no real plans for her birthday, other than dinner with justin and me on monday. little did she know, yours truly had been plotting and planning that all of her friends be at la paz for a surprise dinner just for her!
i think she was genuinely surprised, other than the fact that she saw katie's car in the parking lot. how many cars are there with razorback tags in nashville - not many. busted. oh well.
we enjoyed a nice evening at la paz and she was so thankful to have everyone there!

Surprise, Sis!

We Love You!

Meg's Vegas buddy, Kevin.

Rosemary & Twila - FA's at Meg's work

James & Katie

Kevin, Josh, and Senn

mmmm Puffy Muffin cupcakes!

Meggan's signature picture pose...

Everyone did the "Meggan".... hilarious.

Rosemary & Twila

Carolyn & Sean


Josh has got it down pat.

Rosemary was so sweet - she gave Meg an awesome turquoise necklace.

Twila is Meggan's boss - she's a gem.

The Three Musketeers of UBS

Two Peas in a Pod

The Gang! Thanks to you all!

Meggan - Justin and I love you very much. Thanks for being you so we can be us! :)
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