Tuesday, July 21, 2009

say hello to my little friend...

yes. meet my little friend, shuffle. we've become quite acquainted and i'm in love. sorry, justin. you get calculus - i get shuffle. ha!
what have i been doing without this ever-so-affordable little nugget of musical goodness on my afternoon stress-relieving runs until now?

ah - yes. i recall now. i've been carrying a nano as a large appendage to my body. not fun.
by no means am i some professional runner, so i need all the help i can get.
uncomfortable running clothes? gotta get some comfy ones
big appendage music box? gotta get a smaller one
running without music? mauri's butt is on the couch
you see - if the terms and conditions aren't just right, i'm out. to aide me in my little jaunts around the park or in my neighborhood - i decided the little iPod Shuffle needed to be added to my repertoire.
and, I. LOVE. IT.
it's so small. so easy. so light.
i just loaded that little puppy up with all things fast and running friendly. clip that little sucker on my shorts and off i go.
and, it was only $49! are you kidding me? the stupid arm band that holds my nano was $40. seriously? maybe all of you are way ahead of me in the shuffle idea and if so, good for you. but, if you're a runner/walker/jogger/bike rider/anything-that-you-have-to-have-music-as-a-boost but don't want a brick chillin' on your arm - go get a shuffle.
do not pass go. do not collect $200. go straight to best buy.
you'll love yourself for it.

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