Friday, May 1, 2009

ahhh - home. as in nashville.

disclaimer: sorry for the ridiculously long week re-cap. it's a long re-cap so i'm using all lower caps.
ahh - i have put the weekend worrier to rest. after traveling every. single. weekend. in april - i'm so very thankful to be staying home this weekend. home - as in nashville home. not memphis, not dumas, my home. just my hubby, me, and my precious doggy.

his has been a low key, yet full week this week. pardon my rambles.

last week, my office decided to do a biggest loser: collier edition to use as motivation for weight loss, good health, and a fun little competition. the competition ends on june 1st with a weigh in every wednesday. each participant is putting $5 in the pot per week and the winner gets the pot - approx. $300! talk about motivation!

i was kind of {really} excited when they brought forth this idea. since i've been killing brain cells left and right with all of the reality tv lately - i have really gotten into the actual show, the biggest loser. holy canoly! my mouth literally drops everytime i see how much these people have transformed while on the show. it's amazing, and inspiring. i'm pulling for tara and mike this season. there are only 2 weeks left - you all should watch it. it's a-mazing! ok, you can make fun of me now.


wednesday was weigh in - i was pretty nervous because i had a nice fatty weekend with my mom in memphis - we had delicious thai food and sushi and brews and chicken salad, ok - i'll stop. i'm making myself sick. not to mention seth's wedding - i think i ate all of the chocolate covered strawberries at the reception. sorry to all of the other guests who might have wanted one. i was the culprit. and, justin and i grilled out with meggan and josh and had a few cocktails on sunday night.

* the wedding was wonderful, by the way! i'm so happy for seth & angela. i also got to spend some time with my papa doc. i got spoiled seeing him for 3 weekends in a row! doesn't he look handsome?!

anyway, i just knew that i had gained weight this week, despite running 4 out of 7 days. but - i lost 3 pounds! yay! i wasn't - by far - the biggest loser of the week. some of the men lost 11 lbs! 11 lbs!!! wow. i'm so proud of them! but, i was pretty proud of myself too!

i'll keep you posted on my progress! this couldn't have come at a better time since swimsuit season is just around the corner!

[i just realize that i overuse !'s - sorry. i like them]


another fun event for me this week - i got a new grill! well, not entirely new.

you might have remembered from a few posts back that i have had a long journey with my grill - for those of you who are not versed in street slang, my teeth. i have had braces for 5 years, 2 oral surgeries, 1 TMJ surgery, retainers for 10 years, adventures lately at the orthodontist, etc. etc. etc. along with all of those little nuggets of joy, i also have 2 semi-artificial teeth. (shocked? i can't believe you haven't noticed) over the past 10 years, my "artificials" have been looking pretty dingy. so, this past week, i got my grill fixed.

the two teeth opposite of my front two teeth are tiny. it's genetic. i have the exact same mouth as my mother, thanks mom. when i got my braces off 10 years ago, they built those little babies up to look like the rest. they looked great for a while but 10 years worth of coffee, tea, and soda had taken a toll on the old "arties." it had really been bugging me so - i did something about it. my dentist did a great job! now - i've got my pearlywhites back! according to jdoss - "you gotta make sure your front 4 are in check." so - check.

"rob tha jew'ry sto and tell 'em make me a grill..."

(yes, i know. i have a crooked smile. so does my mom, my papa doc, and my cousin. whaduyado?)


along with biggest loser and new grill, i've been doing what i can to fight off the swine flu. wait - the flu. wait - the H1N1 virus. i can't keep up. alls i know is - i am pretty sure i don't want to wear a mask to work. but getting off for a week would be nice.

i know this is serious; but, folks are freaking out. there have been 2 confirmed cases in the middle TN area - in children. i hope i'm ok and they're ok.

i mean - i am from the land of the 'hogs. i guess until all of this kind of simmers - i'll do my best to resist all temptations to call those hogs! whooooooooo.......

but, if you're still seeking information regarding the flu and asking yourself "do i have the swine flu" - click here. even if not - click <----- there.


i signed up for the cinco de mayo 5k this saturday! i had so much fun at it last year and was really looking forward to it again this year. it's a party! free food and drinks - loud tunes and a nice little run.

but they're calling for a sloppy mess of a weekend; thus, that plan may be diverged. i'm not trying to slide down the asphalt. nope. call me a fair weather runner - i don't care. but, i sure will miss the free drinks and quesadillas. ha! (take that biggest loser) hopefully the rain will subside and i can participate!

however, i am planning to buy some new running shoes, regardless! these past few weeks, my knees and feet have been hurting; hopefully my shoes are just worn out (or i'm just old and worn out). i generally have, and would recommend to everyone, to get new shoes about every 6 months. my favorite part about buying new shoes is my visit to Fleet Feet.

when i began my little running outings - i knew i needed to get a good pair of shoes. a) so my feet wouldn't hurt b) because if i paid good money for shoes, i had to use them - right? i'm not sure how i found Fleet Feet, but i'm glad that i did. they are so thorough and well educated in running, walking, biking - the whole sha-bang. they fit your foot in a shoe that works with the way you run and the shape of your foot. i have not ever been disappointed. so, if you're in the middle TN area - hit 'em up the next time you're in the market for some new kicks!


where's justin, you ask? enough about mauri - we're tired of mauri. where's justin?

we're on the home stretch, folks (fitting - the ky derby is this weekend, "and down the stretch they come!")

he (we) have one more week left in this semester! he has an assignment due tonight at midnight - a final tomorrow - a class on monday - a final on thursday - and an assignment due next friday at midnight - and HE'S DONE! ...... for a month. he's planning on taking a summer school class that starts in june.

then, we have all of may to breathe and enjoy each other without that "other girl" taking up all of his attention, thoughts, and energy!

please keep him (us) in your thoughts this coming weekend and week, as it will be pretty stressful around our house.

one more semester down.....

keep up the good work, j - love you!

so, now that i have taken up far more time than you bargained for when you opened this blog ...


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