Friday, April 24, 2009

Best Wishes, Love Mauri

First off - it's FRIDAY! Hallelujah! Can I get an Amen?

This is a big weekend for several very special people in my life!

Goin' to the chapel and their, gonna get ma-a-aried!
Seth and Angela are getting married! Yup, Seth is getting married. He found himself a fine young lady - if I do say so myself - that is truly a blessing. She has the patience of Job and has helped shape Seth into a fine man. I am so thankful to have these two in my life and living so close to us.

Seth and I have been like peas and carrots since he moved to Dumas and we were Small Fries on the McDonald's t-ball team. We've been there for each other through the ups and downs of those wretched teenage years. Attended our senior Christmas Formal together - because no one else would have been as much fun. Celebrated graduations and milestones as "adults." Confided some of our darkest secrets. We have had some great times and I always know that if I need someone to turn to, he is always there - and he feels the same about me.
Justin has been kidding Seth all week. We're keeping Cooper (Seth & Angela's) dog this weekend and while they're mooning their honey. So, Seth has been calling and we've been getting our plans in line. Every time he calls, Justin tells him that he can't talk to me because he's single. Justin says he has a rule that I cannot talk to single men (not true, but funny). Maybe after Saturday, we'll be safe to converse again. haha

Seth and Angela will be getting hitched in Dumas! She is from a small town here in Middle Tennessee but fell in love with the Baptist Church (my forever home church) in Dumas and they decided it would be perfect for their nuptials. I'm sure Seth will love being home on this very special day.

Seth & Angela - I'm so very happy for you and I pray for only the best and God's many blessings upon your marriage. Welcome to the ride! :)
Weekend Worrier is out again - I'm heading to Memphis this evening to spend the night with my little Mama and we're headed down for the wedding festivities in Dumas tomorrow!

Seth and me before one of his many shows I have attended.

Me and Angela, the super supportive fiance

Best Wish and Happy Wedding!


I'm so happy about getting to spend Seth & Angela's big day with them but I'm sad that I'm missing the Country Music Half Marathon & Half Marathon this weekend!

Honesty Box by Mauri: I was trying to psych myself up to attempt the Half Marathon but wasn't so sure I wanted to do it. I was kind of thankful I could use the wedding as an excuse not to train for it. shhhh! Don't tell.

However, Jessica and Sheryl are both participating in the Half this weekend!! I so wish I could be here either running or there to cheer for these ladies! This is a big deal, folks!

Jess, me, and Sheryl before Race for the Cure 2008.

Jess is running the Half as a part of the Team In Training program. She has raised over $1800.00 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society while training for this big day. Check out her story here. She's a pretty amazing gal.

Jess originally intended to run the full Marathon, as she ran the Half last year. But, after the week of the 15 mile run in her training, nature took it's course and she suffered a knee injury that put her training on hold for over a month. There was not anything she really could have done to prevent her injury. The doctor says it happens sometimes when the knees are "overworked." Training for a Marathon is no walk in the park, folks. This girl was kicking butt. Check out her story about icing her legs in her blog - it's hilarious.

My heart broke into pieces for her; she was really looking forward to running the full Marathon in honor of her Dad. She has been so strong and worked really hard to get her knee recuperated to be able to run the Half on Saturday.

Jess - kick butt, dear! I am so very proud of you and I know your parents will be too! I'm glad they are going to be here to celebrate with you when you cross that finish line!

I will be with you in spirit :)

And - Sheryl is running the Half as well! Last summer, Sheryl and her husband Jason came to visit Justin and me on the 4th of July - after I had run in the
I Run For the Party July 4th 5k. Sheryl became very inquisitive about my little running adventures. She, soon after, started running and fell in love. She ran her first 5k with me at the Race for the Cure in October and then in the Halloween Run.

After that, she felt like she needed to accomplish more - and she's been working her butt off this spring in preparation for the Half this weekend! I'm so excited for her and know she will do well! She is a determined little lady!

Sheryl - have so much fun! I'm so proud of you too!

Best Wishes and Happy Running!

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