Wednesday, April 1, 2009

i had no idea....

... that the blog world was such a huge deal. I use this little Witty Wood blog to simply jot down and keep up with an on-line account of mine and Justin's shenanigans. Lately, I have found that there is a large world out there in blog-land that I had no idea existed; much further beyond my "blog roll" of personal friends that I stalk. :)

After reading some of the blogs out there, I'm tempted to cancel my little musings about my young, happy marriage and life, as so many of the blogs I have found lately have such strong meaning behind them. My ramblings are completely unworthy when I read and am touched by so many other people - strangers' - blogs.

I know, I know - it sounds ridiculous, right? I read about people that I have no idea who they are, where they live (until I read the blog), or really why I'm reading it. I shake my head sometimes too. But, it's amazing what people pour out onto their blog for the world to read. This is truly a phenomenon to me that the Internet has gone from being a search engine to housing support groups through these blogs. So many people use their blog as a vehicle to vent frustrations, keep friends and family abreast of the happenings in their lives, rant and rave about the latest political hoopala, meet people - I mean, bloggers have conventions! Who knew? (and, no - I'm not planning any blog convention visits)

Ok. Ok. For all 1.5 of you who read my blog.... No, I'm not going to cancel my account - I enjoy my posts about mine and Justin's recent travels, nights out in Nashville, and other happenings. But, after diving into the blog world and seeing that so many people use their blog as an outlet - I am going to try to post more rants and opinions about what I am passionate about, not just a photo gallery for the world to see.

If you're interested.... check out a few blogs that I have been reading and found particularly moving and inspiring:


BB'sBlog said...

Have you ever read

very touching and the author lives in Nashville


Mauri said...

thank you so much, brittany!