Monday, February 23, 2009


This week marks the 1 Year Anniversary of my last visit to the tanning bed, and it has been so difficult to withstand the temptation to go! I am having withdrawls - everytime I drive by a tanning place, hear Meggan talking about going to the tanning bed, look at pictures of my tan friends - I just yearn for the hummmmmmm and heat of my little tanning bed friend.

Last year, I tanned before we left for Jamaica because I wanted to have some color for our wedding and so I wouldn't burn on the beach - and to feed my addiction. But, I made a promise to myself that after we got back, I would not go to the tanning bed anymore. Skin cancer runs rampant through my family and I have seen both of my grandfathers go through extensive skin surgeries to try to contain it. A few months before my wedding, I found some sun spots on my legs and decided that enough was enough and I wanted to try to salvage what was left of my skin.

I'm not some self righteous person who condemns the tanning bed-ers, I'm actually very envious. I never thought I would miss tanning as much as I do! I may have given up the tanning bed, but I haven't given up the sunshine - just yet :) So, c'mon summertime!!

1 comment:

Jenn and Chris Looney said...

Hey lady - good for you, first of all! Skin cancer is a scary thing so I'm very proud of you. I too am a little sun raisin and have been all my life, so I am anti-tanning bed because I feel like I've already endangered my skin enough from the real deal! However, I love to stay tan, and found a GREAT self-tanner that I just love and looks natural. It's Loreal's Sublime Bronze. It doesn't make you look like an Oompaloopa and I even use it on my face. You might give it a test run :)