Friday, February 27, 2009

Wild Week

This has been a crazy, busy, wild week for us this week. Justin has been a busy bee getting caught up with school and work - he's hanging in there, bless his heart. Keep him in your prayers, these classes and work sometimes seem so overwhelming and impossible - there are just not enough hours in the day but he's doing great! ... Love you, J - keep on truckin'!

Fat Tuesday -
I celebrated Fat Tuesday at Chili's enjoying 2 for 1! Kelly, Meggan, Senn, Allison, Josh & I all met up at Chili's on West End for a little Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday cocktail hour! It was so good to see everyone - it seems far too long between little hang out sessions like that. I'm glad we were able to hang out for a bit, enjoy some laughs about the interesting people sitting next to us, and catching up on each other's lives.

NICKLEBACK!! - on Wednesday
Justin is a huge Nickleback fan and so when we found out they were coming with Saving Able and Seether - the option not to go was out of the question. We had a blast! A friend of ours just bought a condo at the Veridian in DT Nashville - we went there for a little pre-concert party and then on to the Sommet to rock out! Most of the concerts I have been to have been country - so this rock show was quite a treat and welcomed change of pace. Justin and I really enjoyed hanging out, without worrying about homework, and could not have had a better night. Well, except that my camera died taking the first picture, before the concert started. I borrowed a new friend's camera and hope she will post some pictures on Facebook for me! Will post those pics when I get them!

Sad Thursday....
After all of our fun on Wednesday night playing rockstar at the concert, I woke up Thursday morning to an AWFUL allergic reaction. I bought new mascara last weekend and used it Monday & Tuesday - and apparently it didn't agree with me. I noticed Tuesday night at Chili's that my eyes were irritated and red but didn't think much about it. Wednesday - they were a little puffy but I wasn't letting anything stand in my way of concert night with Justin, so I sucked it up and thought the irritation would just go away. Well, Thursday morning - I woke up to get ready for work and could barely open my eyes. They were so terribly swollen, itchy, red - miserable. Like, I was almost unrecognizable. Justin immediately said - we're going to the doctor. So, doc gave me some topical steroids and a steroid dose pack and sent me home. I spent all day Thursday lying on the couch, cold cloth on my eyes, listening to the TV. I would have SO much rather been at work. I have attached a picture that I took to send my bosses, just so they knew I wasn't just skipping out from too much rocking! *beware* The pic is scary - usually I wouldn't post awful pics like this of me but this one was for the record books, folks!

I told you it was frightening - and painful. My face is super splotchy and red because I had just washed my face and had been out a bit past my bedtime on Wednesday, but yea.... Rhianna ain't go nothin' on me! :p And, no - Justin hasn't been beating me but I will beat up any Maybelline non-waterproof mascara if she ever comes my way again. Thank you Target for the impulse buy rack at the check-out. Burned.


As you can see - it's been a whale of a week for me! My eyes are a bit better today, I can at least drive. But today - we're heading east! Justin and I absolutely love to get away and find a place in the woods or mountains to just ... be. With our 1 year anniversary coming up next week, we decided to get outta town and try something new! We have been looking at making a big trip to the beach but with school and the economy, we felt like we should stick close to home and be thrifty. Our most favorite spot to get away is in the Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee but we thought we'd try somewhere different this time. So, we found a little cabin in the woods near Fall Creek Falls State Park on the Cumberland Plateau. We have hiked on the Plateau before, but never stayed the weekend. We're testing out the cabin and area in hopes to find a new place to camp and hike, a little closer to home. I have charged my camera since Wednesday and stocked up on steroids for the face and hope to have some great pictures when we get back. Here's a little sneak peak at the rolling hills of the Cumberland Plateau.

Happy Weekend, all!

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