Friday, January 30, 2009

Zoo Run Run!

Ok, I've accepted the fact that I am a chronic 5k-er. I really should strive and push to do more; but, I don't really want to right now. I'm enjoying my little running time and the 5ks are suiting me just fine right now. Last weekend was the Zoo Run Run at the Nashville Zoo. It was so much fun. My co-worker and good friend, Ben, wanted his Mom - Mrs. Katie - to test out a 5k because she had never done one. Mrs. Katie is a power walker/jogger and is fabulous. When Ben asked if I'd like to do it with them - being the chronic 5ker that I am - I said OF COURSE! It was quite chilly that day but so much fun. Nonetheless, we ran and supported the Nashville Zoo. It was my first trip to the Nashville Zoo and they encouraged the runners/walkers to dress up - so, I obliged. It was so much fun and I'm looking forward to the next one!

These people were very festive!

How precious was this little lion?!

Thank you Wal-Mart kids section for the awesome Zoo Run Run outfit. hahaaa

Ben and his Mom, Mrs. Katie


Yes, we were freezing.

Ben had a kick butt finish time!

I'm not sure if I owned this outfit or it owned me...

Mrs. Katie coming down the final stretch...

She was way too cute to have just completed her first 5k.

In the conversation of running....

One of my best friends, JDoss, is running the Music City Marathon in April with the Lukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training program. She has been working so very hard and I am so proud of her. Not only is she training for the marathon, she's raising money for the Society. Please check out her touching story and if you feel led, please make a donation! I know she'd appreciate it!

To view her site, click HERE.

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