Thursday, January 29, 2009

facebook shinanigans.

There's this little thing floating around on right now and I thought it was fun. So, I'm sharing mine. The instructions simply said to write 25 things about yourself.

1. I was raised in a small, farming town in Arkansas. I would never move back but it will always be home.
2. I sometimes miss the smell of cotton defoliant and dirt. Strange - I know.
3. Although I was raised in Arkansas, I've never been a huge wooo pig sooouie razorback fan.
4. My parents divorced when I was 21. It was the most devastating time of my life. Now, it has turned out to be the best for us all. I love my families.
5. My sister is my best friend. I'm ok with the fact that she's funnier and smarter than I am. I don't know what I would do without her.
6. I married my best friend in March 2008. That was the best day of my life.
7. Being married is a trip. I love it.
8. I have a puppy named Lily. I sometimes think that she'll secretly talk back to me one day. But, Meggan told me that if she talked back, it would be like having a child.
9. I am still not 100% sure that children are for me.
10. I have 3 best friends that I met/re-met in college and I think of them everyday. I wish we lived closer. I'm not a very good Auntie Mauri from 500 miles away.
11. I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
12. I love, love, love to dance. There's something theraputic about it.
13. I like good food and fine wine.
14. There's a part of me that wants to hike the Appaliatian Trail. Yea, that's 2,100 miles. Yikes. Probably won't happen but...
15. I love it when a song comes on that I haven't heard in a while and it takes me back to a different place and time. And, it can be any genre of music. I don't discriminate when it comes to tunes.
16. College was by far more fun than I ever imagined it could be. I had a blast.
17. I have learned to enjoy running. Never say never.
18. I am working on my relationship with the "Big Man" as Justin so eloquently refers to God. 19. Glasses are my favorite accesory.
20. I'm sorter than the average joe.
21. I'm a sports junkie. Especially when it comes to the Big Orange.
22. I want to travel. I want to travel like, everywhere.
23. My husband is in school and working full time. It's more challenging than I ever imagined and I am so proud of him.
24. My Papa Doc is the smartest, most amazing man I have ever met. He turned 80 this week.
25. I love a good stimulating conversation, a true genuine belly laugh, and random note in the mail.

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