Monday, February 2, 2009


I do not necessarily "believe" in the Zodiac world, per say. But, I do find it very interesting and fun to read. If I were to "believe", I'd say I am the poster child for a Sagittarius.

The Sagittarius is really a centaur -- the lower half is horse, the upper half is a man. The man is holding a bow with an arrow aimed upwards toward the sky. This symbolizes the Sagittarius' drive to overcome basic animal instincts by aiming his thoughts into the divine realms of the heavens. In other words, Sagittarius is hunting for ideas and experiences that draw you into greater awareness.

As such, Sagittarius tend to love adventure, travel and philosophy -- all ways of extending beyond your immediate surroundings. Sagittarius tend to aim their arrows of thought upward, being the incurable optimists of the zodiac. Sagittarius often look at the sunny side of life and the silver lining to any dark cloud. Sagittarius are honest to a fault, for you can say what's on your mind before you realize that someone's feelings might be hurt. Since the Sagittarius is part horse, there is also a connection between Sagittarius and horses, be it a love of riding or an emphasis on the most powerful part of a horse: its legs and thighs. In fact, many of Sagittarius love outdoor hiking and long distance running. The Sagittarius motto is "It is better to know how to learn than to know." You seek knowledge and wisdom, never tiring of the quest for what is yet to come. Others enjoy being with you when you are in your outgoing and joyful mood, but you can become more sullen if you feel that your wings have been clipped. Even in a restrictive situation, however, you'll not lose hope--and it is this inspirational perspective that leads you to your greatest success.

Element: Fire - Fire signs are naturally warm. A fire gives light and heat, but it doesn't get depleted as others feed on its warmth. One candle can bring light to a room and it won't burn any faster if ten people read from its light than if there was only one. Fire doesn't plan its next move; it isn't logical. It simply is in the moment and will burn what fuel is available without judgment or forethought. For this reason fire signs can successfully rely on their intuition and survival instincts.

The fire of Sagittarius is warming, not hot -- but that's because it's far away. It's like a light in the distance that reminds us why we are heading in that direction or the stars that have been used for navigation. This is the fire of inspiration whose heat can motivate the mind to reach out into the wilderness. Ninth House: TravelIf the Third House is the House of Quick Trips, then the opposite Ninth House could be called the House of Long Distance Journeys. It's about foreign travel, higher education -- for that's travel in the mind and the potential adventure that the future holds.

Key Planet: Jupiter - Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and as such symbolizes an expansive action. He is the king of bigger, better and more. But, of course, too much of a good thing isn't necessarily good, and Jupiter can encourage us to overspend or overindulge. Jupiter acts like a magnifying lens and can make a little opportunity look larger than life. As the key planet of Sagittarius, Jupiter encourages us to take those opportunities, to live life as an adventure and to believe in something greater than ourselves.
Greatest Strength: Your undying optimistic attitude

Possible Weakness: Glossing over problems or avoiding difficult situations

Justin is a Leo -

Here's what 'they' say about our Sagittarian/Leo Combo.

Sagittarius + LeoFire + Fire = Explosion

It’s pretty hard to beat the compatibility between Sagittarius and Leo. Both of you radiate warmth, power and beauty, and this is reflected in the open honesty of your relationship … if you happen to bump into each other on the road of life. Very few star signs can handle your blunt approach, but a fire sign like Leo can. Not only do they handle you; they thrive on you. There’s a karmic connection between you. Both of you will feel as if you know each other really well, even if you’ve just met. You mirror each other’s enthusiasm for life and enjoy what the other has to offer.You’ll take Leo by the hand and inspire them to travel, explore and discover the world. This will fill Leo with light and warmth. Sagittarius, you sometimes forget all about the feelings of others when you’re dishing out the truth. And Leo is proud, so is there a danger that your ruthlessly honest tongue could inflict deep wounds on them? No, not really.Leo will need to learn how to listen to what you have to say without reacting too strongly, but basically they understand that your honesty isn’t a cruel cut, but is rather an attempt to help and improve. Leo, being a Sun sign, has an enthusiastic and energetic approach to life.

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