Thursday, July 3, 2008

Mrs. Lenderman Has Class

My little Momma retired from teaching at Dumas Public Schools after 20-some-odd years of teaching last May when she moved to Cordova, TN. She has had an awesome year of relaxing and traveling - two things that she hasn't ever gotten to do. As long as I can remember, my Mom has had at least 2 jobs - sometimes 3. Most teachers have the summers off; but, my Mom always worked hard to make sure that Meggan and I could do the things we wanted. Well, I was so happy for her to be able to rest up and travel this past year. She's been to New York City, Las Vegas, and China in the past year! She's enjoyed every minute of it!

This past Spring, she decided to test out the school system in Shelby County and be a substitute. She subbed for the Spring semester and found a school that she really liked. She has prayed for God to lead her regarding going back to teaching. After interviewing a few months ago, she really got excited and hoped that a position would open up in the school that she liked.

After much praying and anticipation, she got a call and will be teaching 2nd grade with the Shelby County School District this fall!!

I'm so happy for her! She's an amazing teacher and deserves this! So, out of retirement and back into the classroom - at least for a few more years :)

I love you, MOM!

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