Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dear Brinks....

Thank you!

Exhausted from a long day at work, a two mile run, yard mowing, weed eating, dog playing and dinner cooking - Justin, Lily and I nestled into bed last night at around 10pm. The Sandman was in full visitation mode when we were shockingly awaken by the house alarm going off at 1am. I immediately sat straight up in the bed and rousted Justin up as well. Poor Lily was a mess! She was barking and running all over the house. Promptly, the Brinks man called to tell us that Zone 2 - which is our back door - was the reason for the alarm going off. I was on the phone upstairs with Brinks when Justin (with Lily) made his way down the stairs to assess the situation - and turn off the screaming alarm.

He came back up to report that the backdoor - and all of the doors, for that matter - were still locked and closed. Thank, God. Thank, Brinks.

We're not sure if it was just a glitch in the alarm system causing it to go off or if someone was actually trying to come into our home. It's a very unnerving feeling knowing that someone possibly was trying to come in your home, while you are upstairs sound asleep. I'm not sure if whomever it was was testing to see if our signs were just decoys, or if we actually set the alarm at all. Regardless, the alarm did it's job and no one was hurt and nothing was taken from our home.

Thanks, Brinks - you're worth every penny!

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