Monday, August 9, 2010

produce poor

so, lately - i've been a little obsessed with peanut butter fingers. she
doesn't even know that i follow her blog, nor does she know that i secretly
desire to love fresh veggies just the way she does.
in my efforts to begin shaving off a few of the excess
i've-missed-my-husband-pounds i've gained this summer, i'm ramping up my
work outs and attempting to eat a little closer to the Earth.

and, i learned yesterday that it comes at a price. wow. i left the grocery
store with a plastic bags full of lettuce and $70 poorer. really?
i guess growing up i took veggies and fruit for granted. it was always
fresh. i didn't know that green beans came in a can at the grocery store
until college. green beans, and any other veggies, were grown in my meme's
garden and canned with tender love and care. or, they were picked that
morning and served fresh for lunch or dinner.

i miss being near my meme's garden. she in her big hat, sweating, slapping
bugs and loving every minute of growing her crop of fresh veggies to feed
our family. it's funny the things you take for granted and do not
appreciate until you move away.

in addition to me having a brand new appreciation for my grandmother, i
also have realized why people who are less fortunate financially are also
more unhealthy. fresh, healthy food is freggin' expensive.
yea - you can get frozen veggies and fruit - but it just isn't the same.

is there a solution? someone please tell me.....
i am pretty sure that this girl will have her little hubby tilling up some
ground next spring and there will be veggies-a-plenty in my ground. 
i wonder if my meme has an extra hat.....
i will turn into a cucumber and a peach this week because i am bound and
determined to not let any of it rot on the counter.

anyone want to come over for carrot sticks and the bachelor pad tonight?

how excited am i about the bachelor pad? really excited.
my guilty pleasure is reality TV - especially the bachelor/ette. it's
terrible. i try to quit, but just like ice cream for dessert - i can't.
and, now - bachelor pad??? yes! all the drama and terrible past cast on one
show? i can't contain myself.

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