Sunday, August 8, 2010

me day.

do you take a "me day" often? i do a lot of things for myself and am a busy little bee, but i rarely stop and let myself have a "me day" - where i don't worry about getting up for my early morning run, where i don't worry that there are clothes that need to be washed or a house that needs to be cleaned. 
i am always on the go - always doing something.

well, my very, very thoughtful and precious husband spoiled me from 5,000 miles away on saturday. i had a pretty roller coaster week last week and j called me on friday and said - so, what do you have planned for tomorrow? naturally - i start my laundry list of items that i need to get done, but didn't really have any set plans. he said don't make plans, don't do chores. i have made plans for you. whaaaa?

i took the opportunity to hang out with jess on friday night. i rarely have happy hour on friday nights because i know that the alarm will be bouncing off of the night stand far too early on saturday. i decided to skip my run and just do what i wanted to do, and that was have a drink with my friend and enjoy some mexican food. mmmmm 

my precious little hubs made me an appointment at Natural Oasis for a facial, a massage, and a spa manicure and pedicure. i was there from 10:30am until 3:30pm experiencing utter bliss. he said since he wasn't here to spoil me himself and give me a hug to help make my week better, he hoped this would suffice. um, yes.

after my day of amazingness at the spa, i hit the mall for a little tax free shopping and picking up a few goodies to send to j for his birthday, which is next week! the mall is next to Trader Joe's. TJ's has been here in nashville for a while, but i had yet to make it by to check it out!
i really enjoyed it - too bad it's NOT easy to get to from my house. 
but, maybe that's a good thing in it's own right - my magic swipey bank card is relieved. ha!

yesterday evening, i enjoyed some sushi with my friend kelly. the weather was amazing; we sat outside on the patio at the sushi joint for hours just laughing and talking. love you, kels!

so - yea. i had an amazing little weekend. i'm undeserving of the love and kindness that is packaged in my husband's soul. i'm a lucky gal. (and i can't WAIT for him to be home)

i hope you bloggy readers had a lovely weekend, too! oh yea, and to round off the weekend - there will be a football game on my television tonight. oh yeaaaaa!


Melanie said...

How fun! What a sweet hubby, too! I love Tjs... and I always tell myself it's ok to shop there (and I do often since I live 2 minutes from it, and that's if I hit the red light) bc it's Whole Foods type stuff at Kroger prices!

Jenn Wade said...

WOW. That is a good hubs!! Good for you, girl :) You deserve it, fo' sho'!

Puh-lease, let's me, you and Doss do something besides run together soon. Like dinner and drinks - way more fun :) Hugs - have a good week!