Wednesday, June 23, 2010

RC Cola & Moon Pie Festival

yup. it's real. and, it's freggin' awesome. 

this past weekend, jess and i ventured over to southern middle tennessee to bell buckle for the RC Cola and Moon Pie Festival 10 miler. awww snap. 
it was GREAT!

we were a bit leary and felt that we might have been over zealous to think that we could hammer out 10 miles, in the hottest june ever, without having run more than 6 or so miles since the country music 1/2. but, we tried our go at it anyway and rocked it. i was mentally defeated after the 1/2 and haven't been super stoked about running since. so, to have a great run on saturday did wonders to my confidence and i re-fell in love with my sport. our goal was to run 8 and have no expectations other than finishing vertical and mowing through a moon pie. 

jess and i really enjoyed the course. several people i know have run this course before and had warned me about the 4 mile torturous hill. we decided to just take it slow - as others were walking - and see how we did. since we didn't know any better, we ran the whole thing! bam! after that, we felt really good - popped some beans and gu and chatted the whole time. 

thankfully - the clouds played nice and it wasn't too terribly hot. 
we were def glistening by the end, however. 

so - RC Cola and Moon Pie run was a super success in our books. ran the whole thing, didn't die, finished with a pretty good time, and enjoyed the festival with all of it's yummy food....including a deep fried slice of pizza. 

if you have a chance to visit this festival, please do - 
you won't be disappointed. 

 we made it!!

 can't beat these after-run snacks. whoop!

can't pass up the opportunity to put your face on a sexy moon pie.

yup - that says fried oreos, pizza, twinkies.... 

ice cold sun drop in a glass bottle, a slice of deep fried pizza 
served with ranch dressing. 
doesn't get much better than that, folks. 
oh yea - did i mention it was 9:30am? ha!

someone was super stoked about her purchase :)

until next year, bell buckle!


The Doss Blog said...

Aww, that post makes me smile!! That really was so fun! We always have such great adventures together :)

Melanie said...

Yay! I LOVE this race! Got your comment - definitely say hi if you ever see me around again. I can be so unobservant at races sometimes.