Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Face Lift

After 2 years, the good ole Wood Hood house got a face lift this past weekend!

After a rowdy girls night at our house, Megs and I got super ambitious and decided to paint. Lemme just say, I forgot how much WORK it is to paint. But, it needed it desperately bad. The contractors paint had worn out its welcome. The kitchen was a scary situation. I mean - why make paint that doesn't clean? Ew.

So, I may or may not have had a minor breakdown at the first brush stoke of the kitchen/dining room color. That stuff needed a volume button - it was too loud! But, it grew on me and now I love it! Yay for a yellow kitchen! My Mom reminded me that I had a yellow bedroom on more than one occasion growing up. Back to my roots, I suppose.

I called JWood and asked him how he felt about bright colors... he was very diplomatic and said, I guess I don't really have a vote - what color did you choose, dear? Good answer! For the record, he would have never picked it but in our Skype tour of the freshly painted house, he loves it!

We went with a warm "Toasted Almond" in the living room to tone down the "Lemon Pound Cake" yellow in the kitchen!

It is amazing what a coat of paint will do! Though it was tough to get motivated to do it, I was so glad we did! Thanks for the help, SIS!

1 comment:

Hannah Carter said...

Way to go, M!!!! wanna come up to Rogers and paint in my house now?? I know you do!!! :) Have a great weekend, M!