Tuesday, May 4, 2010

heavy news

nope. i'm not preggo, for all of you out there that thought my "heavy news" would be that i was expecting a little muffin in the next few months.
 i'm not - but there are 2 sets of twins that are
very close to me that will be making their apperance soon! :)

no, the next few months will not be filled with growing bellies and baby showers,
it will be saving money to fly to alaska as often as i can.

you see, jwood left me this morning to work a seasonal job in alaska. i cannot really put into words what is going on any better than i did in sharing this news with my very close friends a few weeks back. so, if you're interested, read on. if not, that's ok too.

but, witty wood will be flying solo for the first time in three years, for 5 months. i'm scared to death. but, on the other hand, faithful and peaceful that this is what God has provided and He will give both jwood and me the strength to make it through.

***portion of the email***

here's the back story.

as you know, j's hours were cut back in february. that was really a blow.

he's been working "full" time and going to school full time for 2.5 years now.

he's worn out and burned out.
something's gotta give and we don't want it to be his education.

he will have taken all of the classes he can take at the college here after this semester. thus, he'll have to transfer to a 4 year school to get this crap wrapped up.

we've been praying and praying and hoping and wishing that something would happen where he could not have to work and go to school.

be able to just go to school and just focus on that.

well, monday (early april) - out of the blue - the company that he worked for prior to coming here called him up and offered him a job.


out. of. nowhere.

God doesn't understand distance; He just answers prayers.
Careful what you pray for..... haha

so, yea. he'll be able to work this summer up there and come back to go to school full time in the spring - sans working!!!! yipee!

he will work 7 days a week, 10 hour days. lotsa working.
but, only for a few months. hallelujah!

that's my big news! (more to follow in the next week)

the silver lining?


i'm super stoked. i'm hoping to go at least twice while he's there.

it's so bittersweet. God has just allowed it all to work out so smoothly.

he will be living for free,
 a friend is letting him borrow a car,
 his plane ticket was under $200.....

it's almost too good to be true, other than he is leaving me for several months.

keep us in your prayers, as this will be really tough.

not only will he work this summer,
he'll have to go back next year because he has about 3.5 semesters left.

hopefully, this will go as smoothly as possible and
God will continue to slap me in the face with "good" news. :)

so, there ya have it. 1/2 of my heart is thousands of miles away....
or, headed that way as i type.

my dear readers, expect to hear reports from the last frontier!!
i'm hoping jwood and i can do a daily photo and i can share some of the
sights of alaska with you too!


Hannah Carter said...

Oh no!!!! I'll be praying for both of you!!!! Love you!!!!!

Momma Jac said...

I will be praying for you girl, if it is the Lord's plan he will provide you with everything. You are such an amazing strong woman, I am proud of you. Sending our love!

laura said...

We will be praying for praying for- God will provide the strength and endurance you need. I will pray for great talks on the phone and that you can stay connected even though you are miles away. And you get to go to ALASKA!!! Awesome!!!