Monday, May 3, 2010


what a weekend.

i really cannot even form into words that could adequately describe what nashville experienced this weekend, and continues to deal with today, and probably for days to come.

if you've not caught any national news over the weekend,
let me give you the basics.
the middle tennessee area has been deemed a natural disaster flood zone.
some areas recieved nearly 20' of rain.
rescuers were in wet suits and flippers
 and on motor boats on the interstate.
houses floated down the interstate.
a woman gave birth to her child in her home because she couldn't get to the hospital.
they're asking people to conserve water.
the cumberland river has crested into the streets of downtown.
oh, broadway...
many people are still without power.
we were urged to work from home if at all possible to allow for roadwork to begin.

since i couldn't go anywhere this weekend,
i was glued to the news footage.
it was like a train wreck - i didn't want to watch,
but i couldn't NOT watch.

the amount of devestation in this area is unbelievable.

thankfully, the woodhood is on a hill and is pretty rocky.
we were lucky.
many, many nashvillians were not so lucky.

i haven't any pictures of my own to share,
but visit for full stories and photos.

i'm still in disbelief.

*praying for those families who lost everything.
and, for those families of loved ones who lost thier lives.*

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