Saturday, May 8, 2010

changes are a'happening.

When you are through changing, you are through.
~Bruce Barton

it's amazing and very surreal to think that i graduated from college 5 years ago this past week. where has time gone? it brings back senses of nostaglia as i think about my last few years in college and how much fun i had, the awkward and very difficult change from college kid to the "grown up" world, the excitment of being with friends as they share their lives with their significant others and as they bring new lives into this world, a sense of humbleness as i have realized over the past few years that my parents and grandparents are golden and smarter than i gave them credit, that this big girl world doesn't play fair, that my sister is simply the best, that God has blessed me with the most
amazing man to share this wild journey that He's leading us on, and -
that there are many, many more changes and chapters yet to experience.

5 years ago this weekend, i was heading to south carolina for a week on the beach for good times and freedom. this weekend, 5 years later, i'm working on saturday. neat.
i ate ice cream for dinner last night just to remind myself that there are perks to being grown up - you can indeed have ice cream for dinner. :)

another chapter has come and is going in my professional life, as well. for the past 4 years, i have worked as an executive assitant. this position has taught me more about myself and the professional world than i've ever imagined it would offer. there have been many ups and downs, but i will leave this chapter with only fond and happy memories and a sense of gratitude for all of the lessons i've learned and the people who have guided me along the way. this next week will be my last week at my current position before i embark on a new journey with high hopes for the future.

whomever Bruce Barton is, i think he's right....
when you're through changing, you're through.

life is changing drastically around me and i'm hanging on tight to my faith that this is what God has in store for jwood and me - as unsettled as it seems.
but, though i will miss this professional family that i have,
i am a peace with my decision and eager to start this new chapter.

i mean - who starts a new job 2 weeks after his/her spouse moves to alaska for a new job?
not many folks.
call me crazy. i do.

stay tuned - there are many adventures ahead for the wood folks!

until then, here's what i woke up to on my phone this morning.


Melinda said...

Everything happens for a reason....and that picture proves you made the right decision...God works in mysterious ways.

jennifer said...

God is with you both. All of this is to familiar. This seems to be a repeat of Ma and Big Dad's life.