Monday, March 8, 2010

special people.

jwood and i have been blessed to have the most amazing grandparents in the world. 
ok - we're a little biased. 

i'm not sure if we could credit the closeness that we share with our grandparents to growing up in a small town where they were just around the corner and a huge part of our lives, or just that they are great in general. probably a little bit of both. 

though we are in denial, our grandparents are aging and so we spend as much quality time with them as we can. making memories that we will forever cherish. 

as i type, jwood is in central arkansas fishing with this grandfather wood. 
he grew up trout fishing with his grandfather and has fond memories of those trips with him. 
in fact, he and his grandfather share the same birthday month - 
they would always go on a birthday fishing trip. 

jwood actually planned his reporting date to basic training for the military
 around that annual trip. 
they picked up that tradition this past year and were fortunate 
to be able to go again this weekend. 

i stuck around nashville and let j have his family time. 
i made him promise he'd send me pictures - these pics made my heart smile. 
thank you, God, for the special people..... 

"Pop" and J showing off their fish. 

mmmmmm - i can't wait to take advantage of their efforts :)

happy spring break!!!!! 
today is the first day of j's spring break - 
i can't wait to sneak out of here tomorrow to hide in the mountains! 

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