Tuesday, March 9, 2010

hip hop

i'm just returning home from visiting my little Papa Doc in Baptist hospital and logging many, many hours of hospital duty.

after a few rocky days, PD came through surgery well and is on the slow road to recovery. he will spend several weeks in recouperative care to get back on his feet and shakin' again.

thanks to everyone for their prayers, thoughts, and kind words.

while i was in little rock, i snuck in a visit with some very precious ladies and some adorable little peanuts. more on that soon!


i hope his hip hops back into shape. 

after coming off an awesome run and snuggling into a conversation at tin roof 2 with jess, i got an alarming phone call. ironically, i was just speaking of the special men that jwood and i are fortunate enough to call grandfathers just yesterday. 

my precious little grandfather, whom i - and everyone else in Dumas, AR - calls Papa Doc, took a pretty rough fall last night. bless his heart, he and my grandmother were enjoying the warmth and sunshine on their beautiful patio. 
he got tripped up in his lawn chair and towered to the ground,
 leaving him with a broken left hip. 

he has been transported to Little Rock, AR Baptist hospital, where they are trying to stabilize him enough to endure surgery. he will have surgery to place a pin in his hip either this afternoon or tomorrow. 

i feel so helpless being so far away. and, jwood and i have plans to go to the Smokies to celebrate our 2nd anniversary this evening. Papa Doc introduced my family to the Smokies when my mom was just an infant. we owe him the credit for teaching us to appreciate those mountains we call home. 

i have been told, "there's really nothing you can do while he's in the hospital...." 
but, somehow that doesn't make me feel any better for not being there. I've been a ball of tears since last night. i only hope that he's as comfortable as any 82 year young, amazing man can be with a broken hip. 

so now, i just hope and pray and wait to hear that my Papa Doc 
is back hopping with his hip very soon. 


lindsay anne said...

I'll pray for your grandfather!

Have fun in the mountains!

Kels said...

Love you. Praying for PD!!