Thursday, January 21, 2010

tv timeout.

i need a tv timeout.

before jwood, i hardly ever watched tv. maybe a show here or there, but none of this plan-the-DVR-so-i-don't-miss-one-single-show business. or, avoiding facebook during shows that i haven't watched yet because i don't want folks status updates to rain on my parade.

one day when discussing the woodhood budget, jwood mentioned cutting down on our satellite expense. *GASP* what? no freggin' way. i will give up food before i give up my tv. i can only justify this because "i need entertainment while he is in class."
what else would i do?
read? d'oh. i should do way more reading that tv watching.

but, is it so bad that i look forward to my nightly shows? is it so terrible that i feel like niki from big love is my real life frienemy.... or that i have to work out twice as hard at the gym to channel burned calories to ashley on the biggest loser.... or that i literally get a terrible feeling in my stomach and cry when a character (person) has a terrible illness on mercy or grey's anatomy..... or that i get super stoked when private practice and grey's has a crossover week...or that i get chills when i hear "xoxo gossip girl".... or that i really feel that i'm doing jake justice by watching to give him my opinion on picking ali in the finale of the bachelor.... or that i want to carry zeva in my back pocket just in case a military crime needs NCIS support.... or that i'm like a kid at the candy store that i get a double dose of ellen now that she's on AI.... or that i'd like to spend 1 week as nancy botwin? oh, and i can't forget that i rarely miss ESPN GameDay and my beloved Vols on the field or the court.

my house is still (somewhat) clean, my husband is fed (cereal), lily is groomed (monthly) and i spend more time in the gym or running than i care to even think about.
so, i'm not a complete tv junkie, am i?

do i need a tv timeout? everyone watches tv, right??

on that note, let it be known that i cannot WAIT for private practice and grey's tonight.
don't judge.


Melinda said...


I feel your pain. A few months ago right before Big Love Finale last season...Mike cut off our HBO. (They stopped giving it to us free). I was already hooked to Big Love and True Blood. I had to regulate...He had 3 days to work a deal before the Sunday Night Finale.

Needless to say, I can't live without my Big Love, Greys, Intervention, Hoarders, Private Practice and in few weeks LOST. Not to mention having 2 DVRS on for Football games and one for me. You are not alone.

The Doss Blog said...

Who cares?! Haha Watch what you want to, whenever you want to!!! I remember the days when I had one show a night for every night of the week...oh the days. Now my tv is overun with stupid man shows and rewatching movies 17 times. I envy you!!