Thursday, January 14, 2010

here we go again....

back to the pitter patter of my feet on the pavement.
back to the runner's high.
back to training.
here we go again!

i haven't blogged much about running in the past few weeks, but i haven't quit.
have no fear.
i've purposely not been blogging about running because, frankly, it's been miserable.
not the running itself, but the freakin' cold weather.

spring 1/2 marathon training is in full force.
i'm running with the fleet feet training group again this spring.
i have a confession to make:
i skipped our first training run last weekend because i woke up to snow.
i just could not make myself do it.
way to start off on the right foot, huh?

but, i'm excited about catching up with the friends that i made in the fall training group!
i have missed them!
and, i'm even more excited that doss and jenn are doing it too!
doss is a seasoned 1/2 marathon veteran. she rocks.
but, this will be jenn's first 1/2. i'm soooo super excited for her - she's going to do great!
she's already been bitten by the running bug. she best watch out! ha!

so, instead of running this past saturday, i did this...

fun, huh?

after all of the fun attempting to sled down the hill, it's back to running this week.
i've got some exciting plans for this spring!

on february 28th, i will be running in the the mardi gras 1/2 marathon in NEW ORLEANS!!!
i've suckered several of my girlfriends into joining me on this little road trip to experience new orleans and to scrape me up off the pavement when it's over.
i can't wait!

after new orleans,
i'll come home and start preparing for the country music 1/2 marathon in april.
i have so many friends running in the CMM - it's going to be a blast!

my name is mwood,
and i have lost my everlovin' mind.

i'm super excited to push myself this spring and get a few more 1/2 marathons under my belt while my legs, knees, feet, and toes are still wiling to participate.
thankfully, i've been blessed with injury-free running.

i'm super excited that the single digit and teen temps have decided to vacate middle tennessee.
i'm welcoming the projected 52 degree weather today.
it makes those afternoon runs just a tad bit more inviting.

wish me luck and i'll keep you posted on how it's going!

happy friday eve!


Jenn Wade said...

Yeeeah! Thanks running buddy :) Let me get this one under my belt, then maybe next year we can sign up for several halfs together! In the meantime, I'll be thinking you're crazy - but secretly only because I'm jealous of your dedication :)

Melanie said...

AWESOME! If you get crazy and want to squeeze one more in, the Tom King Classic in Nashville in March is cheap and one of my faves!