Wednesday, December 16, 2009

my roommate.

no, i don't call my husband my roommate.
i will forever call my college roommate, aileen, my roommate. she and i lived together in knoxville before she turned into a travelling gypsy. literally. she left me my senior year of college to "study abroad" in france and has yet to come back to the US for an extended period of time. she's travelled and lived in france, greece, ibiza, spain, australia, a pirate ship...
just to name a few.
aileen and i coudn't have been a more odd pair. i guess opposites do attract.
she's tall - very tall.
i'm short - very short.
she's from the south side of chicago.
i'm from a farm in southeast arkansas.
she's liberal.
i'm more conservative.
she's free as a bird.
i'm a settled little hen.
just about the only thing we have in common is that we adore each other, are opinionated, open to new thought and challenging conversation, and loud. we're really loud. oh yes, and we like to have a darn good time.
so, when i get a chance to actually see her in person - i take full advantage of the opportunity. she's in the US right now saving some money to go back out travelling. her stories are truly unbelievable. she's one of the most courageous, bold, brilliant, and intelligent women i've been blessed to know. she's traveling in a way that most can only dream of doing. many judge her for her way of life, i love her for it. if this is what makes her happy, i'm in full support.
one day, i will go visit her and let her tour me around europe.
this past weekend, she gypsy'd her way to nashvegas and we had a blast. no matter how much time passes, we pick up right where we left off last. we pick each other's differing views on politics, religion, and life. it's great! here are a few pics from our weekend!

meet my little euro-trash rommie, aileen. she's fantastic.

we spent friday afternoon at arrington vineyards. so much fun.

we have always enjoyed solving life's problems over a good glass of vino.

this was my first trip to AV. they have some amazing wines and such a wonderful little set up. i will def be going back!

friday evening - i introduced my little {i call her little even though she towers over me by several inches} roomie to my nashvegas friends. we went out and about downtown!

one day, i'll get a normal picture of her.

it was a great night with friends old and new :)

ut ohhh. what is a holiday season without an ugly christmas sweater party????

oh yes. we had a busy, busy weekend. check this out.

more on the ugly christmas sweater party later. stay tuned....

we rounded off a wonderful weekend by visiting the opryland hotel to take in the holiday sights and sounds. that place is amazing, especially at christmas time.

what's a trip to nashville without showing mr. jack daniels a little love?

finally - the last picture of the weekend, i got a good one!

i think seeing this little sign was the high-light of aileen's trip. hilarious.

funny thing about good friends, no matter how long the time is that passes between visits... or, how many miles separate you at any given time - you're still close at heart. i'm so thankful for several friendships that have withstood time, distance, and trials.
i'm not sure when i'll see my little roommate again; but, i wish her God's protection in her travels and only hope for the most amazing experiences for her. she's truly one of a kind and i'm a better person for having her in my life.

i love you, aileen!
your little southern roomie.

1 comment:

Sole Matters said...

thats so awesome that you two are still so close! how fun would it be to pick up and go like her?!