Wednesday, December 9, 2009

i'm changing careers.

i'm pretty sure i'm going to change my career preference to auto mechanic. or, at least i need should.... or maybe i could talk jwood into going back to turning wrenches like he did in the military. there's probably a better chance of me doing it than him, at this point.
scam artists. i swear.
so, i take annie accord in to the honda service center. i mean - they should know what they're doing, right? i've had this intermittent low volume squeal going on for the past week or so. seeing as though i'm still under warranty (thank goodness), i take annie into the doctor today.
mind you - i called yesterday to set up an appt. and told them what i was coming in for. when i got there today, i was met by an eager salesman *ahem* service man that jumped right in my car and said, "oh, looks like you're in need of your 30k service package." umm, yea. that - among other things. yes, i probably do. this gentleman - we'll call him jim - jim takes us over to his little station and goes thru the normal questions. have you been here before? blah blah blah.
goes into his sales pitch - or service suggestions - about how we should really get the service package while we're there. jwood - being the smart man that he is says, "how much, jim?"
$205. do whaaaaa?
for what?
jim says, "air filters, fluid checks, you know - the basics." um, right. jwood can change air filters with a blind fold and his hands tied behind his back.
no thanks, jim. nice try.
we finally get ushered over to the man we were supposed to meet. who knew that the "service" people didn't just get the job done. but, since i'd set up an appt, we had to meet with him and go through the same exact spill.
we tell him about the intermittent squeal and say - don't charge us for anything that's not under warranty. just look, listen, call us to tell us what's wrong and we'll go from there.
pesky squeal.
j gets a call about 1 hour later.
the report from the man on the phone....
brakes check out just fine - only worn 40%
fluids fine.
drive shaft fine.
all checks out great.
we can't seem to make the car make the noise you're describing.
of course you can't. of course annie won't act up now.
so, jwood goes back up there to go for a joy ride with the technician.
he makes one right turn, accelerates to 40mph and THE SOUND IS BACK.
it's magic, i swear.
j says, "that's the noise we're talking about......."
the technician says to him,
"oh, that sounds like it could be your breaks................................"
*bangs head on any hard surface nearby*
didn't you just say that the breaks are just fine?
next time you see me, i'll be wearing a vehicle service/sales/scam uniform.
anyone can do it, right?

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