Wednesday, November 4, 2009

wordy wednesday

happy hump day!
let's play a little survey on this wordy wednesday.

1. Where is your cell phone? laying quietly on my desk like a good little blackberry. however, it would be nice to hear the little BBM message indicator.
2. Your hair? finally long enough to half way put in a make shift ponytail with a headband. and the roots of my hair? atrocious right now. can a sista get a die job, please?
3. Your mother? awesomer than yours
4. Your father? international harvester - i'm pretty sure that song was written for him.
5. Your favorite food? queso, pumpkin bread, bruschetta, fried dill pickles, mac & cheese. You understand now why I run?

6. Your dream last night? a direct reflection of mine and j's convo before the sandman came. big decisions are ahead of us. *butterflies*
7. Your favorite drink? pumpkin spice latte, gingerbread latte, crystal light peach tea, diet coke with lime on ice, red wine, champagne.
8. Your dream/goal? To become the person God wants me to be, be truly content in where i am, when i'm there. live like there's no tomorrow. be the best wife/friend/daughter/sister i can be.
9. What room are you in? don't worry about it.

10. Your hobby? running, eating queso, talking and loving my dog like she's a real baby, planning vacations that j and i can't afford, planting flowers, living for the weekend, attempting to smile even when i don't want to, BBMing, googling, friendly banter with friends, and and occasional kickball game
11. Your fear? needles, my accutane to "wear off," illness, death of loved ones, something happening to jwood, losing my job

12. Where do you want to be in six years? happily married to a college graduate, healthy. gosh - i'll be 33 in 6 years. eek. i dunno. i suppose if i'm going to have kids at all - i should start thinking about that in 6 years.
13. Where were you last night? getting contacts. hello, huge change! then, home with the hubster for dinner and a little biggest loser and NCIS action before crashing.

14. Something that you aren’t? tall, quiet, ultra conservative nor ultra liberal, super confident
15. Muffins? only the best little baked things ever. mmmm blueberry are my fav-or-ite.
16. Wish list item? a mortgage-free house, a diploma with j's name on it, debt free, contentment, travels, oh - and diamond earrings.
17. Where did you grow up? in small town USA. literally. check it out. read about it here and here. i wouldn't trade my backwards small town childhood for the world. it's still home.
18. Last thing you did? filled up the nalgene with h20. my goal - finish one before lunch and one after lunch everyday. so far this week - 0/2. crap.
19. What are you wearing? i'm not wearing glasses for the first entire day in nearly 10 years. red boots. black and white checkered-ish wool pants that are probably entirely too warm for today, black short-ish sleeved sweater, a ponytail :), and big earrings. you got the mental picture? good. ok. moving on.
20. Your TV? massive, HD, and i LOVE. IT. it's like i'm right there in the game when crompton sucks or does well.
21. Your pets? Lily. i treat her like she's a human. she kind of thinks she is. i open the blinds for her every morning so she can perch and watch/protect our house {she weighs 15 lbs - meeeeean dog. yea right} she takes up more room in our king sized bed than i do. she knows just the right times to hug back and give me kisses. she loves me unconditionally. i wish i was as cool as she thinks i am.
22. Friends? peppered all over america. i have some fantastic ladies that i'm proud to call friends. hope they feel the same way about me.......
23. Your life? Pretty dang blessed. could get interesting in the near future....

24. Your mood? pretty chipper. the sun is shining. it's a new day.
25. Missing someone? my papa doc, my dad & stepmom, my mom & stepdad, the in-laws, my arkansas girlfriends, aileen - but she's coming to visit
26. Vehicle? annie accord. she's a good one. i love her and her gangster tint.
27. Something you’re not wearing? glasses. jockstrap. braces. pajamas. too bad on the pajamas. snuggie.

28. Your favorite store? target. not wal-mart.
29. Your favorite color? Grey, black, brown. am i depressed?
30. When was the last time you laughed? a few moments ago. friendly smack talk at work.
31. Last time you cried? yesterday. it was a crappy day.
32. Your best friend? Man, she’s lucky she’s got a friend like me, so humble and giving.
33. One place that I could go over and over? vacation. anywhere. i really don't care.
34. One person who emails you regularly? jdoss
35. Favorite place to eat? anywhere that I’m not paying and I don’t have to cook.... preferably where they serve cheese dip. or guacamole. i'm not picky.

1 comment:

ashley said...

Number 6 made me incredibly curious!!