Tuesday, November 3, 2009

weekend recap on tuesday

weekend recap on tuesday. i was a little sleepybear yesterday, forgive me.
this past weekend was jam-packed-full.

friday night was the first night that i was home with nothing to do in over a week. between dinners with friends, kickball {which by the way - we've improved by leaps and bounds! we were victorious last week!!!}, halloween parties, and running, we didn't get to sit and watch tv. so, friday - we ordered in and caught up on mindless television and were in bed by 9:30. gosh - we're old - but it was amazing.

5:45am on saturday morning greeted me with cold and rain. but, like a good little runner girl, i got up, got ready and headed to meet the running group. thankfully, right when we began our run - the rain quit {for the first time in months} and the clouds began to part. ahhhh! it was like angels singing. i completed the 12 mile long run in 2 hours - that was the goal. yes!!! saturday morning's run rounded off my 120 miles for the month of october. holla!

by joining this running group, we get fully mapped out long runs with hydration. along with that, we get motivational emails throughout the week and a TECH TEE! we got them this week! long sleeve red shirt that says, "it's not what you have, it's what you do with what you have." i love it.

after the run, i quickly ran {figuratively, not literally} home and gathered my things to head to memphis. thankfully, meg was my chauffeur. last christmas, our new stepdad gave us massage gift cards that we had yet to cash in. so, as soon as i got to memphis - i got an hour long massage. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! it was much needed and WONDERFUL!
why did we go to memphis? oh, because my only male first cousin got married in arkansas on sunday!!! you know, no biggie. i jump on any chance i get to see my growing family and what a better time than to share with them such a special day?

stephen and kelli had a precious ceremony that was so special. it was beautiful. they were both beaming. congratulations, mr. & mrs. stephen spurlock!! welcome to the family, kelli! :)

sunday was a long day of driving, but was so worth it to see these good lookin' folks!

all the cousins at the wedding!

picture time with the most wonderful grandparents a kid could ask for.

my little mama and my papa doc - i could just squeeeze 'em up.

i'm soooo thankful that the sunshine is finally out. not just because i was developing seasonal depression and pretty sure that my house may float away at any moment. or, because i flat out hate to be wet from rain. but, because my dad is a farmer in arkansas and has been watching his crops drown for the past month due to the rain and now he's back in the field!!!! combines are moving, albeit muddy - they're trudging along. praise God. it's not-sa-much fun when the weather controls your income, lemme tell ya. so, sun - keep on a'shinin'!

oh yea, and did i mention my vols won on saturday? woohoooooo!

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