Monday, November 9, 2009

hubster jwood

i saw this little survey on another blog {i'm a huge fan of surveys, btw} and found it very fitting to fill out on this monday before veteran's day.
ode to hubster jwood - cheesy, i know.

Where did you meet? well, that's kind of a funny story. we met at good ole DHS and also went to the same church. he dated my best friend in high school and i worked for his step mother. we go way back.

What first attracted you to him? i didn't steal him away from my best friend, by the way. i wasn't attracted to him when they were together, just thought he was a super guy. but, when we re-connected thanks to the web... i was attracted to his strength and kind spirit. oh, and his eyes and his alaskan accent. :)

How long did you date? for one year before the engagement.

Who eats more? he does. but lately, i've had the appetite of a 16 year old boy.

Who said “I love you” first? i think it was me. in fact, i know it was me. he was here from alaksa for a short period of time during christmas and we kind of had a little tiff - i said, i love you and if this isn't going to work out in the long run, i need to back off. romantic, huh?

Where was your first date? our first real date was at the old spaghetti factory in nashville. the waiter hit on me while he was in the restroom. taught him real quick not to leave me alone too long. ha!

Who is taller? he is - by an entire foot.

Who sings better? neither. but, we sure do try!

Who is smarter? he is. hands down. ugh.

Whose temper is worse? his.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? looking at the bed - jwood

Who pays the bills? he does. thank goodness. with a little help from my paycheck. ha!

Who cooks dinner? i do most of the time. he's the grill master though.

Who drives when you are together? he drives most often when we're together. i think my driving scares him.

Who is more stubborn? he is. *wink*wink*

Who kissed who first? i did. life is short, go for what you want!

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? me.

Whose parents do you see the most? mine. i'm a family gal.

Who proposed? he did. it was perfect!

Who is more sensitive? me. hands down.

What's his best physical attribute? his eyes, his height - i like a tall man, his grin

For what are you most proud of him? his drive. he served his time in the military and now he's a non-traditional student working full time. i'm so proud of his will to accomplish the goals he has set for himself.

What is something special your husband recently did for you? it's the small things. like, yesterday - i ran some errands and came home and Lily had had a bath and dinner was cooked. oh, and he put away his clothes :)

i love you, hubster.

happy veteran's week!

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