Monday, September 14, 2009


i have officially committed to run my first ever 1/2 marathon!!

after nearly 2 years of running for my own enjoyment and personal well-being and logging several 5ks under the old running shoes, i decided that it was time to push for something more. i am feeling the need for a sense of accomplishment and to mark that off of my "bucket list."
my friend jess is no stranger to the 1/2 marathon world. she's a rock star and already has completed 2 1/2 marathons. so, i suckered her into joining the fleet feet fall training program with me. i am a huge fan of fleet feet and am really excited about their program! not only are jess and i training for the 1/2, my cousin katherine is also training in the far away land of fayetteville, AR and will join us at the race.
our final goal? to complete 13.1 miles on december 5th at the memphis 1/2 marathon that benefits st. jude's children's hospital. i am honored to run and support such an amazing establishment.
this past saturday was our first official organized training run. can i just say that 6:30am on saturday is not my favorite aspect of the training. regardless, the first run went surprisingly well. 6 miles, two water stops, a nice little chat on the run with christie beth - the manager of fleet feet, and 1 hour later - it was all over. i didn't die. i didn't break an ankle. i didn't pull a muscle. i didn't have any blisters. i actually finished my first training run without much trouble. life is good. :)
after the run, i watched the UT football game. no, i don't wanna talk about it. i suppose that will be my weekned routine this fall - running in the morning, football and relaxing in the afternoon. i'll take it!

is it friday yet?

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