Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tuesday Tip Off....

i tip off my proverbial hat to ms. mojito at make mine a mojito....

oh, how i'd love to be able to create characters in my head and portray them in a story that is organized and so much fun to read. but, i can't. thus, you get the day-to-day digs of the characters at the wood hood. sorry.

however, i started writing a little "i just work here" story about the wacky events that transpire in my office on a daily basis. my boss was actually the one that requested i do it for humor, and sanity, sake. maybe one day i'll have the guts enough to post it.

i haven't had much time this summer for "summer" reading do to circumstances that i shouldn't divulge on the web. let me just say, i've read A-LOT. and it wasn't not for sheer pleasure, but i've enjoyed the opportunity to stretch my brain a bit and read stories and pieces of work that i would never do voluntarily.

having that said, when i stumbled upon this little piece of work - i was hooked!! i'm not really sure how i found the make mine a mojito blog - but i'm glad i did! ms. mojito has written an ebook and posted on her blog. i have hung on to every single word of it and am chomping at the bits for each new chapter to be revealed. it's called Somewhere In Between Us - check it out! like any good book, i can't wait to see what is going to happen next with Attison and Reid.

now, for those of you that are generally G rated readers - this may not be the story for you. but, if you like good, juicy plot lines and don't mind a few curse words - this may just be what the doctor ordered!

i'm looking forward to mine and JWood's little in-between-summer-school-and-fall-school vacation in a few weeks. we're heading to the beach and i will have completed all of my other reading. does anyone have a suggestion for a good, juicy, light-hearted, easy, greasy, downanddirty, beach read?

i can't wait for more chapters to be exposed from Somewhere In Between Us, but i don't think my laptop would enjoy the sand.....


BB'sBlog said...

I have no suggestions: I just finished My Sister's Keeper - which was anything but lighthearted... It was soooo good but soooo sad!

Mojito Maven said...

someone just emailed me your blog post! thank you so much for such a wonderful and kind post dedicated to my little SIBU. I'm so glad you've enjoyed reading it because i have enjoyed writing it. but hold on tight, we're in for a bumpy ride soon!