Friday, August 14, 2009

smiling's my favorite

you never know when a simple smile, hello, and how ya doin' might just make someones day. in my position at work - and all my life, really -i've been a smiler, a people greeter, and people pleaser.
i'm not sure why God gave the this little gift, but i'm sure glad He did. i like to smile. i like to make people feel good. i like them to be happy around me. for the most part, i feel like i'm fairly successful.
God and I have been talking a lot this week. it's been an emotionally draining week. i've spent more time in prayer this week than i have in a long time. i've been praying for my dear friend and her family as they suffer a great loss. i've been praying for a positive attitude. i've been praying for guidance for the crossroads that face j and i in the near future. i have been praying for a thankful heart. i have been praying for a sign that i make a difference in this hamster wheel of a life.
i often have a smile on my face that masks the turmoil taking place on the inside. it was nice to have confirmation today that i have made a difference and my smile, though sometimes forced, has made someones day.
this morning, i got a facebook message from a guy that i haven't seen in years. he and i went to school together in good ole dumas, and i had actually forgotten about him over the years. facebook can be a great tool to reconnect people, if used in the correct manner. many people often abuse it.
anyway - the message read:
"You probably don't remember me, but when we were in Jr. High you were the only cheerleader who spoke to me every day with a smile. I just wanna say thanks for being so nice. It's the little things that I never forget."
i had absolutely no idea that my simple smile and hello to this fellow would make his day in those wretched jr. high school years. i had no clue what his home life, situation, or day-to-day struggles were like - but my kindness to him was appreciated.
now, 10-15 years (ouch. that's a long time) later - he's thanking me for a simple smile and my kindness.
i guess this was God's little pat on the back after a long, hard week.
you never know how your actions, words, and life will impact someone. that little message from a nearly forgotten face just brightened my day, much like i did his years ago - i suppose.
be the best YOU that YOU can be. life is short, but sweet.
"Be ye kind to one another." Ephesians 4:32
"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live." Unknown
seize the day and happy weekend.

1 comment:

Jenn Wade said...

I love this post Mauri - you rock. I too remember the cute little blonde who was rocking glasses like they were the best fashion accessory ever, the very first time you popped up in mine and Doss's apartment after I moved in. You do have a way about you, dear - let it shine :)