Monday, August 17, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

Not Me! Monday! This little Not Me! Monday! circus was created by MckMama over at her blog. Go on over to check out what others are Not! doing today.

I am not pleased with the beautiful arrangement that the florist created to send to my friend, Jess, last week from her Nashville family. No! Not Me! I did not want to be there with her through this hard time, but had to send flowers in my place. I do not regret not being able to be there. I will most definatly not have my arms wide open for her when she returns to Nashville - No! Not Me!

I would never find pleasure in "children's activities" - No! Not Me! I did not jump at the opportunity to attend a slip n' slide party with my precious little neighbor friend this weekend. Nope. Not Me! I'm a mature adult who does not participate in such juvinile activities.

I would never wish away an entire week to spend the following week at the beach and in the mountains with my husband, whom I haven't seen in over a week. I am not looking forward to a 5 day vacation with nothing planned but enjoying the scenery and my company.

Nope. Not Me! I hate vacations!

I am not looking forward to our 3rd annual Puryear Cousins Weekend to round off mine and J's vacation. Nope! Not Me!

And, I wouldn't ever go for a run at a new park at 12:00 noon on one of the hottest days of the year and not bring water with me, just in case a 10 mile long loop didn't provide water fountains. Nope. I did not push myself to run 6 miles for the first time ever on said trail without water. Nope. I'm smarter than that.

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