Friday, August 21, 2009

lucky friday.

if it weren't for bad luck, i swear - j and i wouldn't have any luck at all.

the hubs and i have had our vacation planned for months now....
ahhh, it'll be a nice relaxing week - no school, no work.... just sand and sun and mountains and hiking and relaxing before the fall semester rears it's ugly head.
*side note - speaking of fall semester. i cannot believe it's been 8 years since i, with a nervous and anxious stomach, joined the fine ladies of AGD at ASU and met some of my very best friends. and, i also cannot believe that it's been 4 years since i attended the opening game of UT football season as an annoying, yelling, crazed, orange wearing, flip cupping, tailgating, student. wow. fall is my favorite time of the year. student or not - i already have butterflies in my stomach!! 15 days until it's FOOTBALL TIME IN TENNESSEEEEEE!*

ahem. anyway.

as our luck would have it, hurricane bill is looming out in the atlantic and raining on our parade - literally. so, we are in the works to see if we can postpone our beach vacation - for when we can actully hang out on the beach. nothing like driving 9 hours to hang out in a hotel with 120+ mph winds outside and watch the beach get sucked up by 20 ft. waves. cool.

if we have to postpone, that'll give us something to look forward to down the road!

vacation or not - at least it's FRIDAY!

oh, and - i'm getting my hair "did" in murfreesboro by the fabulous Jamie at Urban Image salon tonight! if you're in the middle TN area, check her out! i'm going for the kimberly caldwell hairstyle in her latest denim ad. i'm stoked! it's time to jazz up this mop on my head.

can i just be her? i mean, seriously. look at her. she's a spunky little thing! i guess i'll have to settle for an attempt at her 'do.

happy weekend, all!

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