Wednesday, June 24, 2009


... is burning at both ends.

It's the middle of the week and it already feels like it should be Friday. Do you ever have those weeks? You look up on Tuesday night, battered and worn and think - tomorrow has got to be Friday, right? Nope. Then, you digress and realize there is way too much work left for the week to end.

Poor J is meeting himself going and coming. His proverbial candle is burning at both ends and the flames are getting closer and closer together. Please keep him in your little prayers and send good vibes our way.
Last semester, he was hanging out with that tramp Chemistry - this summer, he's spending all of his time and energy with a skank named Calculus. And, Literature. I'm beginning to get jealous of both. Not only is he taking summer school, he's working day and night. Yea - you heard me correctly. Day and night.
Monday - he worked all day and got some study time in when he could and reported to work on a night job at 9pm. He got home at 4am. Yesterday - he slept most of the day, got up to study and took a Calculus test - I'm hoping that he even remembered to write his name on the top of his paper.

This morning while getting ready for work - hair array, coffee cup in hand, eyes looking like he'd been on an illegal substance for a number of days said - I need a vacation. Bless his heart. And, he has to work tonight too.

One day, it'll be worth it. I could not be more proud and more encouraging. He is truly going after something that he wants, come hail or high water. He's driven. He's hard working. He's smart. And, right now - he's just trying to keep his head above water.

As my Dad has always said, "Just keep showin' up." And, that's exactly what he's doing - he's showing up. Head down. Hanging in there. Doing as he should. Being my awesome husband.

So you ask, what has J been up to? Eh, not much. :)


While J's candle is burning at both ends, my cousin Stephen and his beautiful little fiance, Kelli, are burning a candle on a journey that I cannot even fathom.

They have been filled with passion and a love for the people of Burma. Last summer, they found a refugee camp here in Middle Tennessee and were able to spend some time with them - teaching them English, sharing with them about God, and just generally being there for them.

This summer, they are spending 10 weeks on the Thai-Burmese border. They have been led there to minister, teach, and build relationships with the Burmese people - on their own terf. Right now, the politics and ethics of the Burmese people are shaky. They are faithful and feel they are where they are meant to be.

Please keep them in your prayers for their health and their safety as they minister and teach when they can, as they have been led.

If you'd like to read about their experience and follow their summer, check out their blog.

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