Monday, May 11, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

This is my 2nd "Not Me! Monday!" post.
MckMama created this little blog carnival and it's been so much fun to participate. Please take the time to visit her site, explore her story, and pray for her son, Stellan.

I did not gain 1.8 lbs last week in our at work Biggest Loser challenge. GASP! No - not me! I didn't get pretty upset about it and run my butt off last week. Better luck this week.
It wasn't me who was thrilled to have my cousin's visit on Friday night and I did not enjoy our dinner at Marina's on the square in Murfreesboro.
Although the circumstances were kind of unplanned, I did not enjoy our quick decision to travel to Memphis on Saturday and spend Mother's Day with the most wonderful Mom in America. Nope - I didn't enjoy it one bit.
I did not enjoy the scent, breathe in deep, and smile when I ran by a huuuuuuge area filled with yummy, delicious honeysuckle. Don't you just love honeysuckle that runs wild in the Spring. It's like a little smelly good surprise gift from God.
I did not get butterflies and squeal like a school girl when I was told that we have moved from fishing season to hiking and camping season in the Wood seasons of life.
No - not me. I'm not super stoked to be taking a little break from life and work to camp with my husband this week.
Moreover, I'm pretty upset and am not proud that J has 2 A's posted for his final grades for the semester. Waiting (and praying) for that one last class and passing grade to be posted! Yay, J!

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