Monday, May 4, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama.

This is my first "Not Me! Monday" post - here goes nothing - not me - nope.
This past weekend, I did not go to Fleet Feet, as mentioned in the previous post and have complete buyer's remorse when I left. Although, every time I go there - I do not get inspired to push harder and run further. I did not buy new kicks, insoles (because I have terrible feet) a new sport's bra, and a knee roller thingy.

I did not feel pumped when I left said running store and decided to run in the Cinco de Mayo run come rain or shine - thank goodness there was no rain, nor shine. I did not place 13th in my age division and come 12 seconds from beating my PR. (had I not stopped and walked when I got water.... dangit.) There could have been only 13 running in my age division - ignorance is bliss :)

I did not eat an embarrassing amount of food this weekend at dinner every night. Justin treated his wife to some tasty Italian on Friday night, I went with Megs to La Paz on Saturday night, and we had Pie in the Sky Pizza last night. I did not totally blow my diet all weekend long. Crap.

I did not stay basically horizontal all day yesterday watching TV while Justin did homework. I did not feel like a slob for getting nothing accomplished but completing The Color Purple for the first time and a little bit of laundry - oh, and eating pizza.

I am not super duper thrilled that Justin is wrapping up the semester this week and I get my husband back!!!! I am not so proud of him and all of his hard work this semester. I am not looking forward to an entire month without an assignment lurking over head.


JM said...

Great first not me monday!

If it makes you feel better, I eat an embarrassing amount of food every day of the week.

God bless,


Erica said...

found you on mckmama's site. my husband is in school too, i totally understand! he finished last week!

BB'sBlog said...

I love the Not Me Mondays!

also a big fan of the Wordless Wednesdays and just posting a fun picture!
