Friday, May 22, 2009


Ok - I must admit... Although I was/am a big Adam supporter, I am also a huge fan of Kris Allen. He is from Arkansas, which is pretty cool - I think. He deserved to win Idol just as much as Adam, and he's such a humble and respectable young man. I found this video and thought I would share it. Good for Kris! This video gave me chills.
Click here to watch it.

You know what else gives me the chills? Those little strings that they have hanging from flimsy hangers around this time of year.

They should have a dark cloud posted in the rafters above them in all of the department stores.
Since we have a long weekend ahead and are hoping {c'mon weather, work with us} to spend some time out in the sun, I decided it was time to face my fears and GULP! buy a new swimsuit.
I have read and learned in my college classes that public speaking is the #1 fear of people. Nope. Not me. Well, this could have to do with the fact that my major was speech communication but that's beside the point.
One of my biggest fears is swim suit shopping.
I haven't bought a new suit in a while and I've while been working out and feeling half way good about myself, I thought this shopping experience may be different.
Now, I refuse to spend a small fortune on a swim suit. I know. I know. It's a summertime staple and you wear them more than anything else in the summer, but I refuse. There's nothing to them. Why do they have to cost so much? Don't swim wear makers know that we're in a recession. Lower the price, not the amount of fabric.
But, I also refuse to look like a busted can of biscuits posted up in a boat.
Who do they design these suits to fit? A stick lady? Ahh, yes. A stick lady.
The bottoms of those suits can't look good on anyone. If you don't have trouble in the swim suit shopping area and they look good on you - I hate you. [not really, but....]

I drug Meggan with me and all she could do was laugh at me.
I'm glad someone found that experience humorous.
I am still in shock about how little material is used to make those bottoms. But, there wasn't enough to cover mine.
I swear - I literally tried on every. size. bottoms. in the place.
After many, many different sizes, styles, screams, near tears, and laughs - I managed to find a few that will work. Work being used very losly - because that's the only thing lose about this topic.
Good thing we don't have to do that often. Chills. Ugh.


Hellllllllo, Long Weekend!

Everyone I know, including myself, has been looking forward to this long weekend. The official start of the summer. The kids are out of school, BBQ grills are being fired up, boats are tuned up, summer tunes are jamming, 3 whole days off of work - one in which is paid! Who couldn't be looking forward to this weekend?

Hello. We have been couped up all summer! Let's have a 3 day weekend to bask in the sun {in our new suit}, kick back and relax. We deserve it, right?

We often get caught up on the fun and festivities of Memorial Day and forget those who sacrificed so we can have a measly long weekend. So we can enjoy time with our friends and family and feel safe while doing so. So we can kick back and bask in the sun here, in America.

I am so thankful that I can honor the man I married on Veteran's Day, rather than Monday. Those men and women don't get Monday off. They lost their lives so you can have Monday off.

So, as you're enjoying your weekend - as will we - take the time to remember those who are not with us so we can enjoy the freedoms that we often take for granted. Say a prayer for those families that will remember their loved ones on Monday.

Have a safe and wonderful long weekend. Be proud of where you live. Remember and be proud of the soldiers.Wear sunscreen and enjoy the BBQ!

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