Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wonderful Wednesday

I posted on St. Patrick's Day that I was getting the opportunity to spend Miss Regan Thompson's 1st Birthday at her house with her in Marion, AR - along with my 3 best friends, one of which is Regan's proud mommy. Let me tell you, this child is the most precious little bundle of joy. She's such a happy little lady and loves the spot light! She pranced around the house, danced for us, rolled around on a pillow, and best of all - loved her birthday cake!
Not only did we get to spend the evening celebrating an entire year of Regan's life on Earth, we all got to visit and catch up with each other on Wednesday. We had a fantastic lunch on a patio at a restaurant in Memphis - we were there for hours just soaking up the sun and taking in every minute we got to spend with each other. I have known these ladies since the Fall '01 when we pledged AGD at Arkansas State. I would not have ever predicted that a little sorority would introduce me to the most unique group of girls that I call my best friends. We've all been living in separate cities for several years now but we seem to never miss a beat when we all meet back up. Karin's husband once said that an hour with us is like watching an hour of Seinfeld - I've never seen Seinfeld but I'm pretty sure he meant that there is never a dull moment and our conversations are all over the place, somehow we're able to keep up. Bobbi is expecting our second little one to the crew in May - we're so excited and cannot wait to meet Miss Layni Isabella Kirtley! But, with another baby and new work schedules, I'm pretty sure our visits will become harder and harder to plan. Regardless, I love these ladies and their little ones as family. They mean the world to me - I love you Bobbi, Karin, & Natalie (and Regan and Layni :) )

Bobbi, Me, Karin & Regan, and Natalie - love you!

Happy Birthday to you!


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