Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Valentin's Day & Blogger 1 Year Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary to the Wood Blog - I just logged in and noticed that I started this little documentation of banter and our life on Feb. 13, 2008! So much has happened in our lives since I began this little blog journey - thanks to all who care enough to periodically check in on us!
Valentine's Day...
Justin and I are not huge Valentine's Day celebrate-ors. But, Friday night - we thought we'd jump on the bandwagon, call around and see where we could book dinner reservations and a possible over night stay away where someone would clean the room, do our dishes, and let us borrow their hot tub. Let me tell you, every restaurant we thought we might want to try and there wasn't a room to be rented at any of the 5 hotels we called, including Opryland.

Since, I have not really ever gotten into the whole hoopala (I'm sure Justin doesn't mind... ), it was not a huge disappointment that we struck out on the Friday before Valentine's day to make plans. But we did have a great "us" day instead. We started the day bright and early in Murfreesboro getting our hair done - Jamie Valentine at Urban Image is awesome - she squeezed us both in. Thanks, Jamie! Afterwards, we went to TCBY (my favorite) and to REI (our favorite hangout... haha). We really enjoy going to REI and talking about all of the places we want to travel, hike, bike, and treck. It's like a little journey into our dream trips. I swear - we could spend hours in there. We still had no dinner plans and luckily, we remembered really enjoying B. McNeel's in Murfreesboro a while back and they had an open reservation! Yay! We had a fabulous dinner, wine, and evening in the 'Boro and would recommend anyone to check it out!
Sunday, I surprised Justin with homemade breakfast casserole in heart shapes and a couples massage that evening - it was fantastic!

So, for the couple who really doesn't "do" Valentine's Day - we had a swell weekend.
Just call me Curly Sue - Jamie gave me TN Hair!

I was holding J's ice cream too - I didn't get two cones. OMG - chocolate/vanilla yogart swirl with sprinkles is the best Valentine's Day gift ever.

At the bar at B. McNeel's enjoying a pre-dinner glass of wine.

J's heart shaped breakfast! *gag* Cheesy - I know.

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