Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election 2008

Wow. I cannot believe that Election Day 2008 has finally arrived. It seemed like it would never get here. For two years, we've been watching Senator John McCain and Senator Barack Obama travel the nation, spending millions of dollars, to win the respect and votes for today - this monumental day in history. Generally, I don't get caught up in the policital back-and-forth but this election as caught my attention. Regardless of the outcome, there will be a "first" in the White House. If Democratic candidate Barack Obama, he will be the first African American President of the United States and one of the most liberal. If Republican candidate John McCain wins, his Vice President Sarah Palin will be the first female to hold that office. It's amazing how this country has evolved over the past 100 years from not allowing females to have the right to vote and not allowing African Americans to use that same water fountain as the white man. I applaud this nation today for breaking those barriers and even allowing a female and an African American to run for these positions.

For the first time this year, I voted in the Presidential Election. It was such a rewarding experience for me; I am lucky to have been born in a country and a time that I, as a female, can cast my vote and it be counted. I voted this year because it is the first time in my life that I feel a Presidential Election will directly effect me, and that makes me very nervous. I have been praying for our country and that whoever gets elected, God has a plan and will guide thier every move. Personally, I am a supporter of Senator John McCain and pray that if elected, he will run this country to the best of his ability and God will guide and protect him. However, I also pray that if Senator Barack Obama is elected, stereotypes will fall by the wayside and that he will work to change America, as promised, for the good of the American people. No matter who you vote for, go vote!

Most of all, I'm glad it's going to be over today. As important as it is, I'm ready for the political mumbo jumbo to go away so we can have real commercials again. :)

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