Thursday, April 24, 2008

mauri, mauri quite contrary - how does your garden grow?

First off, I would like to say that I have a brand new appreciation for those in the landscaping business. There is much to be said about those folks that dig in the dirt - it's hard work. Justin and I bought our house in December and never dreamed the lawn care would be so much work but we're learning to embrace it and growing to love it. For those that do not know - like myself -planting flowers is a lot of work!! In our case, there was lots of digging and lots of trash. Apparently, the builders weren't concerned with making sure chunks of bricks were thrown away or bits and pieces of concrete were dispose of - no, they just added some potting soil and mulch to cover it up. Our home came with "landscaping" that looked just like everyone else in the cookie cutter subdivision - they just threw some plants in the ground and called it good. Well, that wasn't good enough for me - I wanted a "pretty yard like my mom." After visiting with my mom in Memphis for her birthday and getting lessons in the plant world - I came back ready to work. I never dreamed it would take all week to get a few pretty flowers planted. But, after hours of hard work, digging in the dirt and being so sore I could barely lift my arms - my little flower garden is complete.
Truck load full of goodies!


After.... :D

Little flower basket outside the front door (I bought too many flowers and had to put them somewhere - oops)

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